Chapter 5: Guilty Or Innocent

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When I heard the judge hit is hammer on the desk, and call order, the jury re-entered the room.

"What does the jury find the defendant?" the judge asked.

One young women, about 25 stood, she smirked at me.

"Your honor, we the jury find the defendant...Guilty, of all charges!" she pointed at me and began to laugh.

As I looked around they all were laughing, like I was a clown in a circus.

I began to get really dizzy and then everything went black......


I was angry now, I know she didn't do anything, Janelle was totally innocent. I didn't understand why they didn't see that. I looked around and everyone was silent, that's when I noticed Janelle on the ground, she had blacked out.

I also noticed Gerard had gotten up and was talking to the judge, afraid he might say something really dumb, and get us throw in jail to, I nudged Mikey and pointed to Gerard.

Mikey just shrugged his shoulders, he pulled out his phone and began to dial Alicia's number as he left the room.

I looked over to see Gerard no longer talking to the judge, but he was trying to pick Janelle up by her arms alone.

"Frankie," he whined in a playful tone, "Will you help me, she's heavy."

I sighed, the girl weighed what a total of 110pounds? So she can't be that heavy. Shaking my head I walked over there smiling , and picked Janelle up into a bridle style carry.

I began to follow Gerard, who was skipping out the door. Either he is going insane, or he has been given too much coffee. Either way, I glad to have him back.

(A Few Hours Later)


I awoke and flew my eyes open, not knowing where I was, I screamed. Then the next thing I know Gerard, Mikey, Frank, and Ray, were by my side.

"Where the heck am I!!" I demanded to know.

The guys busted out laughing, and after about 10 minutes Gerard answered my question.

"You may think me for this later, see when you were founded guilty, I spoke to the judge and he agreed to let you do services to our family. Really I just didn't want you to go to jail but I had to make it sound professional, so your my slave." He said, smirking.

He giggled again, then his phone rang and he left the room. I looked around the room, I was laying in Gerard's bunk (I guessed) because there were pictures of Linz and Bandit together when Bandit was a child.

Then I glanced at my clothes, I was still in my jail jumpsuit.

"Umm, how am I going to change clothes?" I asked, shyly.

I sat up and Mikey handed me a bag and showed me to the bathroom. I stepped in and shut the door after thanking Mikey, he was such a sweet kid.

I opened the bag and gasp, all my clothes was in the bag. The guys must have gotten them from the house, but why would they want to put up with my 'family.'

I heard my ringtone (Mama by My Chemical Romance) go off and checked the side pocket where I found my phone. It was a number I didn't know, but I answered it anyway.


"Janelle Lee Presley?" said a strange voice.


"I know this is weird but..." they stopped.

"But what,"

"Do you know who I am?"


"It's Shadow."

"Oh, hello Shadow, wait how did you get my number, why are you calling me, I thought you were still in jail."

"Okay, okay, I got your number from, the police records, because I busted out of jail and I need your help."

Then the line went dead.

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