Chapter 3: Oh Boy

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(3 weeks later)


Life here was so boring. We all followed the same schedule every day. We would get woken up at 5:30am to eat breakfast, then rot in our cells, at 12:00pm we would shuffle back to eat lunch, then rot in our cells some more, and finally at 8:00pm we would get dinner, and at 9:00pm we would go to sleep.

This might sound strange but in all the time I have been here, I haven't really seen Shadows face in the light. Plus we never spoke a word to each other except that one time..

All I really ever see is a shadowy figure, which would make scene because her name is Shadow. So it was really surprising when we all had to go outside for our daily exercise that I got to see her face in the light. Don't take this in the wrong way, but I thought she was really pretty.

To me and most of the other girls in the jail, she was an almost look alike with Hailey Williams from Paramore. I finally got up the nerve to go over and talk to her, maybe find out what she did to get in here. So I nervously strolled over to the picnic table where she was mediating, yes mediating.

"Hi," I said in a cheery voice.

She popped open one eye,

"Don't even ask what I did to get in here, okay that's for me to know and you to find out."

Whoa. Okay now that was just creepy, almost like she can read my mind. I wondered if maybe she could help me get out of here, after the trial of course, I only had about a week left anyhow.


As the hours slowly passed by, Mikey, Frank, Alicia, and Jamia all tried to get me out of the house, or more so out of the bed room. But of course the failed, because right now all I wanted to do is lie here and think about Linz.

"Oh, come on Gerard you can't just lie here all day, you know Linz wouldn't want that for you." Mikey said, I knew he was right but I didn't care.

Alicia sighed and I knew that was the key fact that she was about to say something.

"Gerard, I know you miss Linz, we all do but you have to get out and do something, being lazy and alone is not an option!" Alicia said.

'Yes it is', is what I meant to say, but because i had that stupid pillow over my face it came out, "mppphphph," oops.

"Okay guys, if it will make you feel better let me be lonely, sad, and grieving for another hour and then come get me so we can go get Bandit." I said, after I peeled back the pilliow.

I looked at the clock: 2:17pm, perfect timing.

"Alright," Frank began," One hour, but know we will be in and out checking in on you, just to be sure you don't do anything stupid."

As they left the room, I heard Mikey ask where Ray was, Frank replied saying that he was with some family in Ohio, and should be back in a week, just in time for Linz's-not-killers trial.


As I sat on the bench outside the front doors of the school, I glanced at the bank clock across the street, 2:58pm, they should be here anytime.

I picked some of the noodles, out of my hair, and wiped my eyes. I have been sitting out here for 3 and ½ hours.

Finally, seen the car pull into the school parking lot, when they pulled up to the shoulder of the sidewalk, I climbed into the back seat next to Uncle Mikey and Aunt Alicia, Jamia was nowhere in the car, Frank was driving and dad was in the passenger seat.

When the seen I was covered in food they all gave me funny looks. But only no one cared or had the courage to say something about it.

"Okay, here is why I'm covered in food guys, thanks for asking, I got my tray of food from the lunch line and of course I was bullied around by the bullies and they tripped my and I fell flat, face in tray, but they were not satisfied with that I was thrown tray after tray of food on me, called names and when they weren't looking I ran out balling."

They all stared at me, totally shocked.

"you could have called!" dad barked.

"But I di-"

"Save it." He interrupted.

Okay that was weird.

"I know mom just died but it wasn't my fault, so no need to yell at me okay!" i said.

With that said, I got out of the car, and began to walk, I had 10 mile trip back to the house.

'Oh boy!' I thought sarcastically.

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