Chapter 1: Under Arrest

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This story was written a LONG TIME AGO. The grammar/spelling has A TON of errors. It was also written on an old website for fanfiction so some chapters are very short. The sequel is much better. Thank you.
I was in the middle of my 71/2 hour cleaning spree, when there was a knock at the door. I opened it and seen FBI Agent Prentiss and Doctor Reid, standing in the doorway.

"Are you Janelle Lee Presley?" asked Agent Prentiss.

"Yes, why?"

"You're under arrest, but don't worry madam everything will be explained at the station." Doctor Reid then, handcuffed me with shackle like cuffs.

About then my hag of a famous news anchor mother, comes into the room.

"What did you do now, you know good piece of trash for a daughter?" She asked, well it was more of a statement than a question.

I sighed; she was always blaming me, no matter what.

"I didn't DO anything, I don't know why I'm being -"I was cut off by the sound of my sister Angela, slamming the door to the basement.

"About time." she scoffed.

Before I could say anything, Agent Prentiss escorted me into the SUV.

At the station, I sat in the interaction room for what seemed like forever. Then finally, Agent Morgan and Dr. Reid came into the room asking a bunch of random questions. Also I found out why I was here, I was being convicted for the murder of Linz Way.

(POV-Gerard- )

After Linz's funeral, I took Bandit home and my heart broken 13year old took a nap. I can't blame here though, we have been up for days simply trying to cope with Linz's death. After telling Bandit sweet dreams, I went into the living room and sat on the couch. I sat there for who knows how long, when, Mikey, Alicia, Frank, and Jamia came walking in threw the door. I knew they were not here because they wanted to hang out, they were here only to make sure I didn't do anything stupid.

"You guys don't have to keep checking up on me, ill be fine." I state.

I seen Mikey roll his eyes.

"No Gerard, you won't be fine, I know you and all you're going to want to do is sit here and rot. But we are not going to let that happen." Frank said.

"Why don't we all go to the police station, Agent JJ said they have Linz's killer in custody, Alicia and Jamia can stay here in case Bandit wakes up." Mikey said.

This sounded interesting, even though I wasn't sure I was really ready to face my wife's killer, but I was defiantly going to try. After a minute of mentally preparing myself, I nodded my head and Mikey, Frank, and I headed out the door.


After Agent Morgan and Dr. Reid left, I was all alone. I felt the tears weld up in my eyes and spill over, but I made no move to stop them. I don't know how long I sat there and cried.

Finally the police secretary poked her through the door, to tell me I had visitors. I told her she must be mistaken, but she exclaimed that she wasn't.

She left and not 5 seconds later Gerard Way, Frank Iero, and Mikey Way walked in through the door. I had to blink about 50 million times to make sure I was really seeing my heroes. When I had finally convinced myself that I really was, I looked down at my shirt.

Crap, I was wearing my Black Parade shirt. I looked Gerard in the eyes and then it hit me. I was sitting in a room with my heroes, all because they believed that I killed Gerard's wife.


At that moment I wanted to apologize, but I kept my mouth shut. I looked down at my feet and no one said a thing for a few minutes.

"She didn't do it." Gerard finally said breaking the silence.

"What of course she did, that's what the police said." Mikey said matter-o-factly.

Gerard looked at Mikey in a way I don't think he has ever looked at his brother before.

"Mikey, look at the girl dose she really look strong enough to kill Linz who's like 10 times her size!" Gerarf expressed.

It was true compared to me; Linz Way could look like a skyscraper.

"So, she could have knocked her out or something."

"That's not what the people who examined Linz's body said. "

"Then how do you explain then finding an MSI cd at the crime scene with her DNA all over it."

"Well from what the video showed by the guards, MSI had a meet and greet and she was there at the concert hall and she was there. The whole band signed her CD, and on her way out she dropped it."

When Mikey finally gave up, Gerard smiled a small smile.

I could tell that had been the first time he has smiled in a while. The police captain opened the door asking to speak to Gerard, Mikey, and Frank out in the hall.

So when they all had shuffled out I was escorted to my cell.

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