Polaroid Memories

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I realize fishing is probably known to the wizarding world but I just needed a way to start)) Btw my first chapters always suck please keep with it))

In a pocket of my mother's purse was a polaroid picture with a crease down the middle and some yellow coloring to it, it had been stuffed in there in 1982 and hasn't moved in eleven years, well, until now. I stared down at the picture, sat on the table surrounded by the miscellaneous items my mother would throw in the bag and never remove. I mean, there is a travel size can of Aqua-Net from 1978.

Written in permanent marker on the bottom of the picture, it says, "Best Friends." The picture holds me with my H/C in little pony puffs on either side of my head, wearing overalls and converse shoes. I try to smile as large as I can, my E/C eyes practically shut. Next to me, with our pinkies locked together is a ginger. His short red hair has two little pigtails in it as though he wanted to match with me and his top lip is tucked up against his gums.

As I stare at the picture I start to get this feeling, like when you forget the name of a really common item like a treadmill or a pillow. It seems bigger than that though like I'm forgetting something important like something is missing from my past.

I shake my head and shove all the items back in the purse, all except the photo, which finds a new home in my wallet.


I sit crisscross in the grass, holding a fishing pole awaiting a bite. It was a foggy, warm summer morning, nice and quiet. "I wiiiiiin!" Is screeched all the sudden and some guy is flying threw the air and cannonballing into the water. That water soaks me and I jump quicky as the cool sensation shocks me out of my serenity. A bunch of kids follow after him, splashing into the water, screeching and yelling at eachother. I start reeling the spinner (a spinner is a hook with no lure so it's possible she accidentally hook someone)in quickly, not paying much attention to the people. "Ow!" I look up quickly when the ow corresponds with my reel stopping.

A guy swims forward and pulls himself on to the shore, in front of me. He looks down at his side and sure enough some how the spinner is dug into the side of his stomach. "Oops." This guy is tall, very tall, and his red hair is slicked back with the water.

"If you wanted me, you could have just asked," he gives me a cheeky grin. "What is this thing?" His eyebrows are furrowed as he flicks the orange metal part.

"A spinner." I reply simply, kind of still in a state of surprise. The sun is hot enough to already be drying my shirt and hair.

"A what?" He asks, looking more confused as his brown eyes lock with my own.

"A type of fishing lure." I awkwardly shift my footing as I notice all of the others eyes peering at me.

He tilts his head still confused, "okay."

I give him a funny look, "um," I shake my head a little, "um because I totally accidentally hooked you, I can take care of it if you'll come with me." The guy smirks and looks behind him at his look-a-like smiling behind him.

"Lead the way, love." I turn away from him and grimace a little as I start walking him to my house.

"You live here?" He asks as we come up to my house.

"Yes." I reply, slightly hesitant. I lead him back to the bathroom, feeling pretty awkward and nervous I'm about to be murdered.

"You're my neighbor." He says, tilting his head a bit, "how did I not know I had such a hot neighbor?" I turn back, sneering at his cheeky grin. I sigh and pull the hook out without warning him, he sucks in a breath. I wipe it down with alcohol, "ow, what is that stuff?" He pouts and looks at me as though I'm the worst person on Earth.

"Just be quiet." I shake my head and finish. "You whine a lot."

"You're evil with your stingy stuff." He counters. He grins again and a feeling like something pulling at my brain happened. He seemed so familiar, but I was so sure I had never met him. "What's your name?"

"Y/N." I say quietly, a little distracted.

"I think you'll be seeing a lot more of me, Y/N." I raise an eyebrow and start lightly pushing him toward the front door.

"Don't be a creeper, Ginger."

"My name is Fred!" He says as the door shuts in his face.


I sigh, looking down at my toes on the cool wood floor of my back porch. I hear footsteps and look over, Fred's face pops out from around the corner. I jump up and back up a little, "you are so creepy."

He holds his hands up, "your dad sent me around." He walks over and sits on the porch swing.

I sneer slightly, "I have to warn him about the gingers next door." I sit down next to him and stare out at the trees.

"Have you always lived here?" Fred questions.

"We did when I was a kid and just moved back," I explain, starting to swing back and forth a little.

"That thing you were doing, fishing? How do you?" I give the other a funny look, only to find him genuinely confused.

"How can you-?" I stutter a little, before staying silent and standing. "Are you being serious?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Yes," he smirks a little, "I am always serious."

I eye him, "mhm, right." I step away and pick up my pole. "Well, come on." He grins and gets up.


"Dude! Careful! You are going to hook me!" I groan, watching with anxiety as he tries to cast again.

"I don't entirely know what that means, but," he winks anyways and does another ugly cast that I need to duck away from. This one though actually manages to land a decent way into the water. He starts quickly reeling it in.

"No, stop, when it actually lands in the water you don't reel in so fast," I explain.

After just a little while we both are sitting on the grass, talking and bickering back and forth. I've learned he has six siblings and he's learned I am an only child. I've found he sometimes says weird words like muggle and quidditch and he says his dad would love to meet me for some reason. He's very funny, not that I'd admit that to him. "Should I reel it in now?"

"You can start, slowly." But as soon as he begins he's battling a fish and I can't help, but see that as unfair, it's his first time and he's already pulling a fish out of the water. I grab the fish and take out the hook, holding the fish out to him. His eyes are big and he grins, tapping it.

"Cool." Despite myself, I smile.

"You gonna hold it or are you too wimpy?" I grab his hand and put it in the right spots. He grins and looks it over, "alright put it back." He pouts a little and lets it go.

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