Silly Teenage Crushes

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A snowflake lands on my nose with a little sting and just a moment later I let out a hard sneeze. I sniff and wipe my nostrils. "Hey, Y/N!" It was Ginny, running out the Weasleys front door to me, where I had been walking too. "Don't you love it?" She shouts, positively elated as she grins up at the sky.

"I would more if I wasn't so sick," I grumble, moving my dry nose around. "I do though." I sigh, "for some reason."

The little Weasley grabs my gloved hand and pulls me a long. "Make a snow angel with me." She says, letting go and dropping into the snow.

I lie down and begin making one along with her. "I was wondering what was taking her so long." I hear Fred's voice coming closer.

"Ginny got ahold of her," George replies, laughing a little.

Fred's head appears, blocking out the sun, smile big. "Did you need something?" I ask, stopping my movements.

"Yeah," he starts and makes his face screw up, "your my friend, not Ginny's!" He mocks whines, before grinning down at me again.

"She can be my friend too!" I sit up and see a glare on the fiery redhead face. The youngest and only girl of seven makes you pretty fiery, I suppose.

"Yeah!" I defend and maybe melt a little at the prideful grin that spreads on Gin's face. Fred rolls his eyes with no heat behind them and holds out his hand. I take it and he pulls me up, unexpectedly he tugs and wraps me up in his arms. "Freddy?" I say in a confused, soft tone. I  bring my hand up and drag my hand down through the back of his hair. 

He let's go quickly, "we just got a tree, now you have to help decorate." Fred grabs my hand and starts pulling me to the house, still disoriented I trip over my own feet and fall flat on my face.

I look up, face all red and wet, I glare at the two laughing twins. "Freddy!" He's too busy bent over laughing to listen though. I grumble and crawl over, grabbing some snow and shoving it in his face.

"Y/N/N!" He yells and laughs in the middle of it, before pushing me over and throwing snow in my face. A snowball is hurled at Fred and we look at Ginny who was for some reason glaring at George.

Fred makes up another snowball, throws it at her, and, of course, a full-blown snowball fight ensues. "Will you kids get inside, before you catch your death?!" Mrs. Weasley shouts, before continuing, "this tree isn't going to decorate itself!" I'm laying back in the snow and Fred comes over and helps me up again.

"You probably made my cold worse, you jerk," I grumble, sniffling. We walk with the others towards the house.

"He really is awful," Ginny says, face screwed up and I smile.

George agrees, "yeah, you really oughta kill him."

"Maybe, I oughta " I smirk.

"Don't agree with him!" Fred sticks his tongue out at me and George holds the door open for us.

"She knows I'm always right," George replies, crossing his arms.

"You are only right when I tell you the answer," Fred says, letting go of my hand to bicker with his twin. I look down at my hand, I had just realized we never let go.


"Aw." I smile widely and dangle the ornament by its string. Two baby redheads naked in the bathtub.

"We were adorable weren't we?" Fred grins, stepping closer to me.

"Absolutely." I smile, looking up at him.

"Just look at how perfect we were," George adds.

"Key word there is 'were'." I snort and Fred crosses his arms.

"We are still the most adorable people you have ever seen." He says, leaning closer to me.

"Not even," I smirk. I roll my eyes and turn to the tree, stretching to put the ornament up. Fred steps closer, I can feel him pressed against my back, one hand on my arm as he puts the string around it. I grow warm and turn. I look up at him as he looks down, his thumb brushes along my arm and my eyes grow slightly.

Fred's eyes seem to grow to, as though he'd realized something and he went to step impossibly closer. "Fred?" He steps away and looks at the stairs where the voice came from. A man I'd never seen before stood there with red curly hair, blue eyes, and a ton of freckles. He's older and stocky, with a lot of muscle.

"Yeah, Charlie?" Fred says and I now notice George snickering. Ah, the older brother in Romania.

Charlie comes over and looks between Fred and me. I bite my lip and glance at Fred. His cheeks are all red and he's rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm guessing this is Y/N," Charlie says with an amused little smile on his slightly tanned face. "I'm Charlie, the best of the Weasleys." He smiles completely now and it makes me redden, he's kind of very attractive.

"H-hi." I grimace a little. I never usually act like some little embarrassed school girl.

He seems to smirk a little before he's sticking a little purple flower behind my ear. "Merry early Christmas, Y/N/N(I'd say its different from Fred's nickname for you, but its up to you)." He smiles again, before strolling into the kitchen. My cheeks feel on fire and I place my hands on both to try and cool them. I glance at Fred and he's got this little grimace on his face as though he's going to be sick.

Fred's POV

Oh wow. I grimace, that could really ruin everything. I glance at George, he'd stopped laughing and was giving me a sympathetic look when he gestured to our brother and Y/N. I watch Charlie give her the flower and a little pit grew in my stomach making me feel a bit queasy. 

I watch him leave, conflicted. I look at Y/N and see her giving me a worried look, before I can say anything though, mom yells, "dinner!"

"You can sit next to me, Y/N/N." Charlie smiles, pulling out the chair for her. Contrary to what you may think, he's not flirting, well not intentionally, it's just his personality. I still want to hex him, though.

"But-" I start and multiple eyes turn to me in question, Y/N's seeming slightly worried, "nevermind." I end, I had maybe wanted her sit next to me, but didn't want to seem like a baby. 

I sit down next to George, who puts his arm around me to give my shoulder a squeeze, before he drops it. "Freddy," Y/N whispers from across from me, "Are you okay?"

I smile a little and wink, "duh."

Charlie, like any polite person, begins a conversation with her. I just don't appreciate that he causes that red tint on her cheeks and the wide eyes and little smile. I know he's being nice and I know It's selfish of me to feel this way, but I just realized I liked one of my best friends, give me a break. 

I plan to bury those feelings anyways, I am not losing her just because of some silly teenage crush.

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