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"So, who is gonna be there?" I hold the towel tighter around myself and look down at my flip flops as they slap against the road.

"George, Ginny, Ron, and their friend Hermione. She probably won't swim though, shes boring." I wack Fred in the head.


"Don't be a dick." He pulls some of my hair and I slap his hand away.

"You're the one that's being a dick, Y/N." He says, sticking out his tongue.

By now we could hear the others laughter and splashing about in the pond. I had only officially met George though, excluding the time I hooked Fred. I stop, uneasily, "Fred." He looks back at me, questioningly, "I'm nervous."

He walks back over, "you do not have to be, they're just kids." He takes my hand surprisingly gently and tugs me along.

The amount of redheads blinking at me is kind of scary. Fred cannonballs, sending water flying everywhere. I smile a little, rolling my eyes. "Frederick!" A girls voice screeches and I turn to see an angry looking girl with pretty curly hair. I walk over to the girl and fold up my towel next to her. When she looks up, an excited look seems to come across her face.

"Hi! You're Y/N?" She starts with a lot of enthusiasm, "I'm Hermione, ever since Fred said something I've been wanting to meet you." So far she doesn't seem like Fred had described, but I don't always trust him anyways since he can be a jerk. "So, how old are you?"

I smile and sit down, "I'm fifteen, how old are you?"

"I'm thirteen, I am so happy to have someone "normal" to talk to when I'm here."

"Yeah, they can be super oblivious to things," I watch her lip twitch into a small smirk, "like when I showed him my phone, he thought I was a witch or something." That makes her giggle.

"You just have to be patient, don't get too freaked out."

"Y/N!" Fred whines out my name, I sigh and look over at him, standing in the shallow water.

"Yes, Fred?" I sigh.

"Get in." He splashes me slightly with the water and Hermione growls lowly.

"Make me." I say, sticking my tongue out at him. He smirks and climbs out of the water. I stand up quickly, "I was joking!" I yell through a yelp as he lunges at me and I dart away. I sprint through the field that lies before the pond. "Fred!" His arm comes around my waist and lifts me up, "Freddy!" He plunges us both in the water. When I come back above, the others are laughing and Fred is grinning at me. So I can't help, but smile too. "Jerk."

"I'm only playing, Y/N." He says in a patronizing, but playful voice. My nose scrunches and I jump up to push his head under. He grabs my waist and pushes me off into the water.




"Ginny loves you." Fred says quietly. We're on the bank of the pond, the last two there, dusk falling.

I wrap the towel closer around myself, "that's good."

"I'm surprised Hermione likes you."

"You're mean for calling her stuck up."

"I don't actually believe that, she's a good kid, too bad she's friends with Ron." I hit him lightly in the arm.

"Stop hitting meee." He fake pouts and flicks me, so I flick back, so he flicks back. We have a good five minute flick fight.

"You're annoying." I say, laying back in the grass. It's now almost completely dark, but the moon is bright tonight.

"You like it." He smirks and I push him to the side.

"Let's go." I get up and he bends so I can climb on his back. That had started a couple weeks ago and now we do it everywhere. "Wanna stay for dinner?"

"What are you having?"

"Probably TV dinners, dads working late." I say, setting my chin on his shoulder.

"What are TV dinners?"

I hide in fabric of his shirt, "oh Fred," I sigh, "I'll show you." I smile, I can't help it.


"This is a TV dinner." I say, dropping the cold box in front of him on the island. "It's food already cooked and frozen to microwave, which you better remember what is because I'm not going through that again. Pick one." I say, putting the different kinds we have in front of him. I grab my favorite kind and stick it in the microwave while he looks at them.

"This is so good." Fred says as he tears through his food.

I snort a bit, "don't you eat homemade food every night?"

"Yes." He says through a mouthful.

"Homemade is better."

"But this is so good." He demands.

"Homemade is better." I repeat.

After we finish eating, we go to the living room, deciding to watch a movie. "This movie is funny, so I figured you'd like it." I smile at him and he does back.

"You know me." 

As always, watching a movie with Fred consisted of a lot of questions and an array of facial expressions. He always had to ask what different things were, what this word meant, and how they did something. Of course he accuses someone of using magic every ten minutes.

"Y/N/N, Y/N/N." I open my eyes to see Fred staring down at me. "I should get home, move your fat head." I glare up at him and sit up from where my head had been resting on his stomach. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Freddy."


"Egypt?" I repeat, holding on to the left rope holding up the tree swing.

"Yes, my brother works there." Fred explains, pushing me hard without warning, but I dont really care, still taking in that hes going to Egypt for a month.

I hold on a little tighter, "what does he do?" I question with furrowed eyebrows.

"He works at a bank." Fred says, dragging his fingers through my hair and pulling slightly.

I grumble and turn my head away, "who would want to work at a bank?" I scrunch my nose and turn completely in the seat to see Fred.

He scrunches his nose back, "I know, but he's actually cool."

"What am I supposed to do while you're in Egypt?" I sigh. Normally, most days of summer I'm bored out of my mind because nobody lived nearby that I knew. This summer, though has been nice, having someone to hang out with everyday.

"I don't know, wait for me to come back." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Nah, I'll just forget about you." I reply, sticking my nose up at him.

"I'm unforgettable." Looking past Fred, I see George walking up with a weird look on his face, before he shakes it off and he throws an arm around Fred.

"Dear Fred, it's time to go or mother said she'd have us skinned." They both towered over me and blocked out the sun. I glared at them slightly, "don't worry your boyfriend will be back." I ignore that, not letting it phase me.

"Goodbye, Freddy."

"Goodbye, Y/N/N."

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