i felt it

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"Why do you keep doing that?" Scabior as he pokes at the fire with a dejected look on his face.

My face scrunches up, "what?" I ask shortly.

"You'll sit there or we'll be walking or something and you'll just start grinning and maybe even let out a laugh." He explains making faces and gestures.

I'm starting to understand him now, and that's at least something. I glance at him and try to soften my glare just slightly for kindness sake, because I'm a bigger person. "What? Snatchers don't have love?"

He smirks a little, and it's less insane than usual, "just me."

I study him, "you've probably never even felt it," I say, "and that's why."

"Why what?"

"Why you don't care about the things you do."

"I never said I didn't care." He says.



Scabior looks over at me, before continuing to walk, "you are a back up plan, love. Plan B."

I step on a rock and jump the little crick, "I still don't completely understand. This whole war is because of a baby boy?"

"No," he holds his hand out to me, to help jump the second part of the creek because it splits, but I shove it away and jump. He sighs, "this whole war is because of him wanting everyone to have pure blood."

"But why?" I think for a second looking back at him, "do you realize how much incest that would take?" I curl my lip in disgust.

He grimaces, "I don't make the rules, I just do my job."


"Do you really think we should cross that?" I grimace, actually feeling fear that takes me over as I stare out at the vast frozen lake.

Scabior nods, "move it, I'm running out of time." We start across the ice slowly with his picking up the pace. He's very on edge.

After the initial eye contact was made, it happened quickly. We heard the crack and neither of us knew who it was under, until Scabior dropped out of sight, almost silently. I had a second to decide in f I wanted to be like the bad guy and let him drown or help him. I try to ignore it because he kidnapped me, but he doesn't sound as bad as his counterparts.

When he shot back up, I grabbed his forearms and hauled him up, pushing him to the side of me. He scrambled away from the hole, eyes big and teeth chattering. I grab him and start pulling him to the closest land off to the side.

I watch the end of the twig burn for a few moments, listening to the slow steadying of his breathing. "Why did you?" Scabior asks in a quick burst of breath.

I look at him and up at the the sky, watching my breath curl above me. "I'm not like you." I whisper and Fred's smile pops up in my head, causing me to grin bitterly. Scabior looks it over, before looking down, thinking. "I can't good-heatedly leave someone to suffer just for my own benefit, no matter how awful they've been. Especially, when they have potential." This has to be the most polite thing I've said to him the whole time.

"Potential?" He stutters through the shivering.

"Potential." I answer.


We'd been walking a awhile, night fell and the full moon rose in the sky. "We'll stop soon." Scabior muttered. He'd been quiet ever since what happened.

He stopped all of the sudden and looked over at me and he seemed pale as he looked around quickly. "What?" He looks up quickly and I follow his gaze a burst of black smoke shoot through the moonlight.

"Scabior!" A womens voice shouts. "Scabior! You're taking too long! The plans are in motion for tomorrow!" Scabior looks back and forth between me and the sky multiple times, before wrapping his arms around me.

In that moment, a splitting headache thrashed my brain along with the worst nausea I ever felt. It was all black but I still felt his scared grip around my waste. "Are you okay, Y/N? Y/N? If you're not I did that for nothing."

My mind slips to an interaction I had with Bill and Fred.

"They've been driving me nuts, bonkers! I wish they never turned seventeen so then they couldn't do the stupid disappeary thing!" I groaned making Fred and Bill laugh. Fred starts apparating back and forth on either side of me on the couch, tickling me. "Fred!" I grin and laugh.

"Fred!" Bill suddenly shouts and Fred must've been as surprised as I was because he actually stopped. "Be careful, she might get pulled with you!"

"That's possible?" Fred asks, face draining of color, face becoming worried. George always tells me it's a kind of worry Fred reserves for me, the kind jokes and thinking get set aside for and he just focuses on me. Not that I ever believe it.

"Yes, but only one in a billion can survive it. Some think that the ones that do already have traces of old magic in them."

Later on, Fred was looking at me with a frown. "I'm sorry."

I grin at him, "don't be sorry for being your playful self."

It takes a few moments, but my vision finally clears up and he's got a scared, grimace on his face. I look around a little, "where?"

"Wales, stay here for a few weeks and you should be okay." I start to realize what he did and my lips part in surprise.


He places a hand against his heart, "I felt it." He whispers, before slipping away in a cloud of black smoke.

Glancing around the nausea and dizziness overtake me and I fall to the ground.

((Short chapter :) tell me what you have thought about the little scabior section, needed some conflict, a little angst, little problem to overcome :)

I'm thinking I'm going to do another George fic after this because I dislike the one I do have published, this one was supposed to be a George one, hehe

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