Caramel Swirl

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"Why haven't we done that yet?" Fred questions, aghast, completely offended that we had yet to create a rope swing above the pond.

George stands abruptly and announces, "I don't know, but it's outrageous and must be done immediately."

And that is how we are here, Fred climbing a tree that hangs over the water. "Toss it and don't lose it." He tells his twin, who does so but falls short and quickly pulls it in. Fred had almost fallen trying to grab it. I'm dying laughing off to the side. "Come on! Are you trying to kill me?"

"Yes," George says, flatly.

"You've tried ten times." I wheeze, and Fred laughs at me laughing.

Fred grins up at it, grabbing the end, "now see, much better." He holds his hand out, "my lady?" I roll my eyes and hold on to him. As we fly through the air terrified laughter escapes my lips and I press my forehead to him, our noses brushing. The water is cool and the rush courses through me. We were still underwater, it happened almost in slow motion. Our eyes met and then our lips. It was quick, sudden.

We broke the surface with wide eyes, George jumping into the pond, like breaking glass.

The sun was beginning to set and an orange haze covered the sky. As I tried to bring all of my thoughts together and calm my anxiety, I focused on the feel of the pavement on my bare feet. Fred was walking me home from the pond and I could feel his worry permeating the air with the way his eyes were burning a streak in the road. "Freddy?" It comes out a little hoarse, from the nervousness to even speak.

"Yeah, I know." He whispers, his voice deeper than usual.

And that was the last time I saw Freddy that summer.


I have had a hard time sleeping, ever since the Weasleys left with a very short note. I'm on the kitchen counter eating ice cream, the stove reading three in the morning. I hear a loud thump, before hyena laughter echoes, "nice landing Fred!" I practically fall off the counter scrambling to the door.

I sprint to him and jump into his arms, he laughs spinning me around. There's this crazy look in their eyes and wide grins that they can't seem to lose. I cup his cheeks and squish them, "where in the hell have you been?! Well, I mean, I assume school, but I mean before that." I ramble out and pull George in for a hug too, making him laugh and twirl me around.

"It's0 a lot, but right now," Fred takes my hand and spins me around, "we are celebrating." He tugs me inside and George follows. "Perfect, Ice cream." He says, taking a bite.

I sigh and let it slide, just happy they're here. "What are we celebrating?"

"We quit school!" They say in unison, excitedly.

"What?!" I exclaim, shocked.

"Isn't it great?" Fred grins.

"Best decision we've ever made." They did, in fact, look the happiest I've ever seen them, adrenaline seemed to be pumping through them. "And the best,"

"Prank ever." Fred finishes off, spinning me around.

A grin finally spreads across my face, "well anything that makes you this happy, I support." Freddy grins and his eyes twinkle.


"Y/NN," Freddy whispers from next to me on the living room floor. We were sleeping there after watching a movie.

"Yes, Freddy?" I whisper back, barely seeing the brown to his eyes.

"Shits hit the fan." I laugh a little, he liked using that expression after hearing my dad use it. I can see him grin, "I'm serious though."

"What shits hit the fan, darling?" I ask, still smiling.

He hesitates, "it'll go away eventually, but right now you might not always see me."

"What are you talking about, Freddy?" My face screws up now that worry and uncertainty are filling me.

"It's dangerous for me right now and my family," he tries to explain, obviously hiding something, "and us being close puts you in danger."

"Have we been watching too many action movies, Fred?"

"I'm serious, Y/N." When I'm the one making the jokes and Fred is being serious, that is when I get nervous.

"Okay Freddy, what are you trying to say?" I ask softly.

Now he grins, "this is how it's going to have to be right now, but after it's over we can get married."

My eyes got big and a smile crosses my face, a short laugh escaping, "married? We aren't even dating." I reply, amused.

"Married, we don't need to date, we basically have been for years." He smiles.

It's then that I realize that he isn't really wrong, but I just smile, "okay Freddy, after it's over."

Fred POV

Y/N does the same bending, hands-on legs position when she laughs really hard as when she needs to pee. It's kind of adorable, but I like almost everything about her, so I may be biased to even the weirdest things. "Okay, okay, it's really not nice to laugh at Ron's biggest fear." She breathes and I smile as her nose scrunches and she covers her mouth because she can't stop the laughter.

I've always thought we would eventually fall in love and just stay together forever and all that sappy stuff. I just didn't realize we've always been in love and I don't think she's noticed it yet. It's as though it happened so quickly, but so gradually that it kind of slipped under our noses. "Don't worry, love, it's completely natural." I grin and look over to see Ron had climbed onto the cabinet.

"Oi," George shouts, "moms not gonna like that, we aren't planning to get shouted at just because you are a prat."

"What's going on in there?" I hear Mom's already angry-sounding question from upstairs as I listen to her thunder down.

I take Y/N's hand and tug her over to the closet near the living room. We get inside and shut the door. "Are we really hiding from your mother in a closet?" Y/N whispers, with a hint of a smile in her words.

"Duh," I smirk, "plus, I like how close it forces us to be."

She shoves me, "don't  make me get your mom." I smile and wrap my arms around her. She gives me a deep, dramatic sigh as she lazily puts her hands on my shoulders.

A few moments later, the door flies open, George gasps, "ah my virgin eyes!" He shouts laying the back of his hand on his forehead. Backing away, he begins singing, "Y/N and Fred sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G!" We'd seen it in one of the movies Y/N had shown us. He sprints away as I begin chasing him around the house.

Y/N thought it was about the song, but in reality, it's because he ruined the moment.

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