To Be

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"Looking beautiful as always, Y/N." Fred says quietly, quiet because this house has been a ticking time bomb. I grin and my cheeks dust red. It confuses me a little, Fred hasn't made me blush in a long time. I smooth out the dress I apparently had to wear as distraction.

I run my hand a long his tie. "And look at you, all spiffed up, tie and everything." He's looking at me the way he always has with a smirk a little softer than usual and shining eyes. "You look like an adult."

He smiles, "that tends to happen, darling."

"We aren't fifteen anymore Freddy." I state softly.

"Just a little older-" his smile softens.

"But none the wiser." I wrap my arms around him, hugging tightly.

"Just remember to run and don't look back if something happens." Fred reminds me and I grimace and stay quiet.

"May I have this dance?" The one eared twin dramatically bowed before me.

I giggle slightly, Fred, him, and me may have been sneaking a little bit of alcohol, just a little. "Of course, Georgie." He takes my hand and pulls me up, twirling me.

"So, Y/N," he says, wrapping his arms around my neck, "when are you telling Fred?"

I smirk and tilt my head, "what ever do you mean?"

He twirls me and grins a little, "you two," he actually laughs a little, "are terrible."

"Really, what could you possibly mean?" I laugh, my head falling back a little.

He grins, shaking his head, "when are you gonna tell eachother?"

"George? What could you possibly be asking Y/N?" Fred is smirking as he lays a hand on his brothers shoulder.

George dramatically rolls his eyes as he let's go of me, "you two," he shakes his head, "need to get your priorities straight." He smiles though as he walks away.

Fred furrows his eyebrows with a smirk, "huh, that was odd." He says, placing his hands on my waist.

I wrap my arms around his neck, "very odd." I murmur, thinking on the word priorities.

"What's up?" He questions, twirling me around, before holding me close.

"Oh, nothing just thinking." I smile softly, before something clicks in head. "It'll click someday." I say, glancing up at him.

"Yeah, just remember what I told you." He spins me again, making me laugh.

It was like a dream, pulled apart and turned into a nightmare. I did what he told me to and ran, faster than I ever did at any track meets. I lost those stupid heels in driveway. I fall in a lump in the grass by the pond and take a breath as a pain pierces my heart. I fall back and stare up at the stars as they blur with the tears that fill my eyes. "Shit."


His smile reminded me of the Cheshire Cat's from Alice in Wonderland and it was all I could focus on in a moment of sleep-ridden delirium. A split second later, I jump from my bed  and punch the intruder square in the nose. Quickly, I run from the room sprinting down the hall. In a flash, though, he appeared, just like Fred and George would to scare me with the magic teleportation thing. "Shit." I grimace.

"Shit?' He sneers, "that fucking hurt." There's something I know, something I learned from my mother. Crazy is always given away in the eyes, and his are insane.

"Good!" I snap and knee him in the groin. A grimace hits his features as he grabs it in pain. The man growls at me, before pulling out what I assume is a wand and a flash of light flies from it, before everything goes black.

My eyes open to the sun's rays being blurred by a red tent roof. My head hurts and I can't move just stare up. I hate it, my anxiety rises at not being able to see around me or to move.

The man, face more clear now in the light, come to stand above me. He had long, messy, brown hair with a red streak in it. There's darkness around his eyes, "I wouldn't have had to bind you if you had not kept hitting me." He speaks through his teeth and rolls his eyes. When hes out of sight again, I feel my limbs unclamp and my body functions return. Quickly, I sit up and glare when I see him sifting through a bag on the floor. "I hope now you know not to try anything, girly."

"What do you want?" I ask, a sneer coming on to my face. Looking down at myself my eyebrows furrow, over my pajamas was a coat and wool socks. I look back at him even more confused.

He sighs, before looking at me with that Cheshire grin, "Voldemort wanted a muggle to kill, particularly one close to Potter and you were the selection."


"Will you just eat?" The man snaps, shoving a spoonful of some sort of stew in his mouth.

"No." I glare and return to staring into the fire.

He sighs and rolls his head around, "you're already going to die, why starve yourself?"

"Why are you doing this?" I walk over, standing over him. "What is the big deal about being pure blooded? What is wrong with being a muggle?" I shout, slapping his food across the ground.

In barely a second, I'm pushed against a tree with a hand around my neck. He grins, "that's the thing, I don't care about blood purity, I don't care about any of this darling, I just want the money." He grins, before letting go.

I sneer and back hand him across the face. He places his hand on his cheek, sneering back, "you 'ave got to stop doing that!" He screeches, sitting back down and eating straight out of the pot.

I huffed and sit, picking up my bowl and taking an angry bite. "Money is nothing." I whisper.


"Just sleep. You aren't going to get much tomorrow, girly." My kidnapper says from the complete opposite side of the tent.

I turn on my side to face away from him. "Do you think I'm that stupid?"

"I mean-"

"Why would I ever sleep with you around? How could I? When you could do something." I grit my teeth together and I may be waiting for him to sleep, so I can escape.

"I may be insane, but not 'at terrible. Like some people I know." The last part is said quietly. "And also, I don't sleep, so you don't 'ave an opening for escape, love."

My face screws up in frustration and I stay silent.


His hand clamps around my mouth as we hide behind a tree. I begin to struggle, before he snaps, "trust me," now I hear cackling and loud steps. "Whatever they'd do is much worse than what I could." He whispers and he slowly let's go when I remain still.

I glance past the tree and watch a group of people, dressed in black, loudly crashing through the woods. "This way," a scratching, deep voice that makes my skin crawl says, "wait."

My captor suddenly smears mud across my face, I sneer, slapping his hand away. "Trust me." He snaps quickly.

The man that smoke sniffs the air and a growl seems to escape him. "Yeah, this way."

"Scabior needs to get back already, I am done babysitting." A crazed looking woman complains as they disappear over a hill.

"That's you isn't it?" I ask.


((Needed conflict so I decided you'd get gey kidnapped by my favorite snatcher, what do you think?

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