A Date with Death.

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Inspired by a game on Newgrounds with the same name! It's a very cute game, you should check it out!

Art by lunnar-chan on tumblr.

Here we go, hope you enjoy this story with our deadly Skele!

Trigger warnings - Mentions of death and s--cide. Don't try this at home children.


That's all it was these days.
Demons had erupted from the fiery pits below in attempt to take the overworld for themselves.
Few survived.
Many perished.
Others, saved.
You were one of the saved beings.
You were a warrior, the hero who was blessed with a sword from the skies, one that could cut through even diamond.
You, (Y/N), were our savior.

Your job was to protect the wall around your small towne from any invading demons who dared to attempt a siege against your home. You'd won many battles, and had the small scuffs and scars to prove it. Until it all became too much. You were torn apart by the hellspawns..

You awoke in a cloudy void, your wounds and broken bones having been healed up. What was this place? Your thoughts were interrupted as a cloaked bony figure walked up to you, holding a large scythe.

"Will you look at that, you died. I'm surprised, you've grown famous for avoiding me."
The figure, which you assumed to be male by his voice, spoke, having a soft echo to his words.

You quivered lightly, stuttering out. "Y-You're-"
You paused, choked by your words. It was as if a cat had caught your tongue as if it were a mouse.

"Death. That's me. Though, I'd prefer if you called me Sans, that's my true name after all." The sythed skeleton finished your sentence for you, his wife smile widening ever so slighty.

You fell to your knees,
"Wait! I'm n-not ready to go yet! I must protect my town! Please!"

The skeleton just chuckled, pointing his scythe to the floor away from you.
"You see, that's why I'm here pal. I've been told by the goddess of life herself to revive you. Now go, protect your town."

In a cloud of black smoke, you had returned to your body, you were back, and more ready than ever to keep your town safe.

After some time, it seemed the demons were targeting you, attempting to get your sword. It was a struggle, but soon, you once again grew weak after your own sword was taken and used against you, falling to the hands of the beings once more.

You returned to the cloudy void voice more, Sans just finishing up taping another soul. He turned to you, tilting his head.
"You're back, why? You enjoy my company or something?"

You winced at the sight of his scythe, now caked in blood.
"..It was just- becoming too much for me.. they really want my sword it seems.."

Sans took out a small blue cloth, cleaning the red liquid off his signature blade.
"Ah. I can help with that. From now on, if your sword is taken, it will return to your hands. Now, back to your work so I can get back to mine."

Once more, you returned to your body, defending your town from demons another time. The monstrous hellbeasts seemed to catch on to your new ability, and started firing flamed projectiles your way. You were hit, and caught ablaze. It hurt, but only for a moment, and you were back in the cloudy void for a third time.

Sans had seemed have to caught on that you were having trouble. He let out a frustrated sigh,
"Look, doll, I can see you're in a little bit of a problem with those things. So, I'm giving you a shield. Use it wisely. Now leave. Try not to get sent back here, k?"

You hadn't even gotten a word in before you had been sent back. He called you doll? What?- yout face grew reddish and you quickly shook it off, it didn't matter, you had more to worry about.

Now it was the sixth time you had died. You had stabbed yourself on your sword on accident the fourth time, and the fifth time you fell onto some sharp rocks. This time you hadn't been watching where you were going and had backed up off a cliff. You were now back in the void with a grumpy Sans.

"What's your problem? Are you doing this on purpose? Listen, I have stuff to do."

You crossed your arms at him, sputtering out the first thing that was on your mind.
"Maybe I just wanted to spend time with you."

Sans's expression suddenly changed, his cheeks gaining a dark blue coloring to them.
"I- wh-?? Y- no. I'm not doing this. Go away."

You were back again. What was he talking about? Why had that flustered him so much? You had to know. This time, you dropped your weapon and shield, letting the beings take your life again.

Sans sighed deeply as you returned.
"What's your deal? I don't want you around, stop dying already!"

"I'll stop dying if you go on a date with me." You said plainly.

"I- what! No!"

"Then I'll keep coming back to bug you." You smirked, crossing your arms.

"I- you know what? Fine. I'll go on a date with you, only if you finish your work first!" The very flustered skeleton grumbled.
"Deal." You agreed, and were sent back.

You worked hard, defeating every last hellspawn, until you were victorious. You were given medals and named the heroine of the world. But, that didn't mean much to you.
As a statue was unveiled of you in the middle of your town, you smiled softly, appreciating the work put into it, even though you'd never be able to see it again.

You turned, running to an unfinished bridge above a ravine.

"Knight (Y/N)! Where are you going!" A person yelled after you, causing you to look back and smile.

"I've got to go. I'm late for a date with Death." You jumped, it was painful as you fell on rocks multiple times, but it didn't matter.

You had a date to get to, and an eternity with your beloved.


Edit - 9/21/21 - Added gender neutral pronouns!

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