Playground Problems.

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More shenanigans after a while of not updating, I figured I owed the people who still read this something after some burnout- I dunno of this will get finished but meh I'll try.

And what's this? An Underfell Papyrus x Reader? Yes it is hehe.
I know it isn't in the title (for now), but you CAN ask for Papyrus's too (whenever requests are back cough I'm slow ;-;)

Pap is literally my comfort character.. no matter the AU I just wanna HUG EM!!

ANYWAYS story takes place in a pacfist timeline where the reader is Frisk's elder sibling, they climbed the mountain to look for them. The barrior is broke, and the monsters are trying to adjust- although still have to deal with some aggressive humans not liking monsters in their town.

Have fun helping Papyrus adapt to the nice-ish surface life :D

Art by AngstyTeacup on twitter.

Warnings : Some swearing, it's Underfell, and Karen and her son.


It was a beautiful day outside, the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming. On days like these, you'd take Frisk to the park to play, but you hadn't expected the two skeleton brothers to tag long- well, it was more Papyrus tagging along and dragging Sans with him, complaining his elder brother needed to get out of the house. Papyrus's excuse was that he needed to do some training, but you silently figured he just wanted to be included, which you happily obliged to, since you loved having the tall skeleton around.
So, you were walking Frisk to the park now, Papyrus close behind, and Sans, who had Papyrus's little cat Doomfanger on a leash, was lazily following. You were currently chatting with the taller brother.

"..Papyrus come on, you know you don't have to be threatening all the time." You softly chuckled, elbowing him.
"OF COURSE I DO. YOUR FEEBLE HUMAN MIND WOULD NOT GRASP THE CONCEPT OF GREATNESS." He crossed his arms, dramatically flipping his scarf. "I WORK TOO HARD TO BE THIS COOL, MAYBE IF YOU WORKED HARDER, YOU'D BE HALF AS COOL AS THE GREAT AND TERRIFYING PAPYRUS! NYAHAHAHA!!" He cackled, gaining a few looks from humans passing by. Clearly Papyrus had no filter- but his outgoing and flamboyant personality was your favorite thing about him.

Frisk began egarly tugging at your shirt as you approached the park. You laughed softly, ruffling their hair. "Okay, okay. Just stay where I can see you, and don't talk to strangers." You knelt down and nuzzled their nose with yours, smiling as they giggled before running off to play. You sighed, standing back up as you kept an eye on them. Meanwhile, Sans handed you the cat's leash, and wandered over to a shaded tree and sat down, before passing out, much to Papyrus's annoyance. "UGH, SANS!-" He was about to go scold his brother, but you stopped him, gently grabbing onto his gloved wrist.

He looked at you, raising a brow as you smiled. "Don't worry about him, I'll keep an eye on him too." You said, letting go of Papyrus to pick up Doomfanger, who meowed. "Besides, Doomy will hang out with us, isn't that right baby boy?" You cooed to the fluffy white cat, who began softly purring as he hopped from your arms onto Papyrus's shoulders, and began nuzzling him. The tall skeleton scoffed, crossing his arms a little, but couldn't help but smile at the cat's antics. He cleared his non-existent throat, chuckling slightly. "OF COURSE, OF COURSE. HOW COULD I POSSIBLY FORGET ABOUT MY LOYAL FELINE."

You brightened up a little seeing Papyrus smile, it always warmed your soul seeing the tall intimidating skeleton with a look of pure joy on his face. He seemed to notice you staring, and scoffed a little, "HUMAN, I UNDERSTAND I LOOK AMAZING, BUT STARING IS CONSIDERED RUDE." His happy smile changed out for a smirk as he gently flicked you in the forehead, snapping you out of your daze. You shook your head, laughing softly. "Aaaah I'm sorry Papy, I guess i just got lost in your good looks." You half joked, fueling Papyrus's already huge ego.

The truth was, you had a crush on the formal royal-guardsman. He was just so cool- and he had been one of your first friends after you had fallen into the underground, although at the time he'd just referred to you as a peon, you knew he cared for you since he never killed you after you had defeated him in battle. His excuse was he simply respected you, and likewise you respected him as well.

Papyrus snapping near you broke you out of your thoughts. You shook your head as the tall skeleton scoffed. "WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU TODAY? DO YOU NEED TO GO HOME AND REST?" He he asked, feeling your forehead with the back of his gloved hand. You smiled softly, your face glowing pink with blush knowing he cared about you- even if his way of showing it was rather strange. "I'm okay Paps. Just got a lot on my mind." You sighed.

You flinched as something bumped your leg, looking down, you could see Frisk hiding. You frowned, gently patting them on the head. "Frisk, what is it?" You asked, kneeling down to pick them up. They were a little dirty and scuffed up, like they had fallen down. They hesitated for a second, and pointed over at an angry mother marching over with who you assumed to be her son, who was also in a similar condition to your little sibling.

"You! Are you this child's mother?" She snapped at you. You sighed, shaking your head. "No ma'am, I'm their sibling. Is something the matter?" You mumbled, backing up as the woman stuck her finger in your face. "Oh I'll tell you what's the matter, your sibling pushed my little angel after not letting them use their swing." She gestured to her son, who was pouting with his arms crossed- he appeared to be having a stare down with Papyrus.

You looked at Frisk, nudging them. "Frisk, is that true?" You asked, and they nodded, beginning to sign. They told you they shoved the boy after he shoved them off the swing. There were supposedly 4 other swings the boy could have used, so they had gotten frustrated at him for pushing them out of the one they were using. You sighed and shook your head, looking up at Papyrus as he marched to your side. He looked pissed off.

"MAYBE YOUR BRAT WOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN SHOVED IF HE HADN'T PUSHED FRISK FIRST." He snapped, and the woman backed up, her face turning pale. She grabbed her son's wrist and bolted. Papyrus stood there with his arms crossed, a look of accomplishment on his face. "SERVES THEM RIGHT. NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO MESS WITH FRISK BUT ME." He boasted as Frisk reached toward him, giggling. He smiled as he picked them up, hugging them tightly.

"DID THAT KID GO DOWN LIKE A BITCH?" He asked them, chuckling as they quickly nodded with their cheeks puffed out. You softly laughed as you looked up at Papyrus. "Thank you Pap. I don't think I couldve handled that on my own." The skeleton proudly smiled. "OF COURSE, THE GREAT AND TERRIFYING PAPYRUS IS HAPPY TO HELP HIS NUMBER ONE FAN! NYAHAHAHA!" He cackled, dramatically posing with Frisk in his arms, who squealed with delight.

You were lucky to have such a brave person to keep you and your sibling safe..




(Y/N) : That one, *They point to Frisk, who managed to get on top of the monkey bars.* What about you?

Papyrus : MINE IS OVER THERE. *He looks over to Sans, who was asleep, having been buried in the sandbox by a few rowdy children.*


Undertale AU's x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now