Swapped Out.

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Omg it's time. Underswap Sans x Reader.

Can I just say that Underswap is my FAVORITE. Blue and his bro are awesome.
Anyways, plot.

Reader resets after a neutral route, wanting to commit to a true pacifist route, but something went wrong. They're now in Underswap, and have to adjust to the changes.

Reader is also pretty quiet, but they can talk.

By the way, before we get started, I've gotta say this. I'm going to try to keep this as close to Canon Underswap as I can, but tweak it a little to my liking. If you're more used to squishy uwu baby innocent boy who could make no mistakes Blue, then oops- Sorry I just love Canonswap.
Fun fact though! : Blue is still the older brother of the two, he still likes puns (though prefers knock-knock jokes), and doesn't just cook tacos (he likes to explore mexican cuisine, and makes nachos, enchiladas, etc. He may not be the best cook, but he tries his best.)!

May be one of my longer oneshots since reader's starting out in the ruins- oop.

If anyone is able to read the watermark on the art, tell me please- I must find the artist and give them proper credit.


You quietly groaned as you opened your eyes, looking up at the sunlight shining down on you through the hole you'd fallen in. Slowly blinking, you could see blue in the corner of your vision. Confused, you turned your head, and realized you were in a bed of, not yellow, but blue flowers.. Maybe you had hit your head too hard this time, but as you sat up and rubbed the tiredness from your eyes, you realized that you weren't just seeing things. These flowers were blue alright, almost like the echo flowers in Waterfall.. odd, very odd.

You slowly got up, wobbling a little as you caught your footing. You shook the flower petals and pollen from your hair and shirt, and began to walk. "Maybe there's be a blue Flowey.." you chuckled to yourself, though as you entered the room where you would normally meet him, you were instead, met by.. a Temmie?

They seemed to notice you, because they immediately put on an innocent stupid face. "Hoi!! I'm Tem! Tem da Temmie!" They squeaked, and you raised a brow. "Humanz new to da undergroundz, must b so confuz! Dat ok, Tem understan. Gon showz u how tings work! Yaya!!" You were skeptical as they started a battle, but said nothing.. This was.. a lot to take in. Blue flowers, a Temmie in Flowey's place? What next?

Tem's squeaky voice brought you out of your thoughts. "See heart? Dat humanz SOUL! Reprezent humanz being! SOUL startz off veri weakz.. but! It can growz big an strong wif LV!" Tem squeaked, bouncing in a giddy matter. You sighed as they continued. "Wat'z LV? Itz LOVE!! YayA!! Humanz want LOVE? Don wori! Tem gon share LOVE wif human! Make u big an strongz!!" They giggled, winking.

You crossed your arms, raising a brow as they summoned a few bullets. "Down herez, LOVE shared thru.. lil.. white.. TEMMIE FLAKES!! Humanz grab as much as dey canz!! YayA!!" The bullets were shot towards you, already knowing what was happening, you moved out of the way. Tem's smile turned into somewhat of an unamused grin. "Hey humanz, u miss. We gon tryz again, okey?" They said, summoning more. Again, you moved out of the range of them, and Tem grew annoyed.

"Is this a joke? Are you having a little chuckle? Ha ha. Run. Into. The. BULLETS- T-Temmie flakes!" They corrected themselves, sending more your way, which were again dodged. Tem's face grew into a creepy malice-filled grin, and bullets surrounded you.
"You know what's going on here, don't you? You just wanted to see me SUFFER." The bullets began closing in, and Tem cackled. "DIE."

You stood still, closing your eyes and bracing for impact. But it never came. You opened your eyes, looking at Tem with a small smirk.
"W-What?!" Suddenly, a fire ball was shot at them, and Tem was knocked out of the way. You smiled, saving the day as always, goat- dad? You looked confused as none other than Asgore stepped into view. He looked at you, a warm comforting smile across his fluffy face.
"What a horrid little creature, tormenting such a poor, innocent one.. Do not fret, dear fallen. I am Asgore, Caretaker of the Ruins." Your eyes were as wide as dinner plates. This didn't make any sense, usually Toriel was here, not Asgore. Had your reset accidentally switched everyone around?
Asgore frowned a little, gently taking your hand in his big furry paw. "Come, child. Such a fall from a great height, you must be awfully hurt." The goat dad mumbled as he gently pulled you along through the ruins...

Undertale AU's x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now