THINK: Chapter 6

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I ran.

As fast as I could.

I needed to tell Andrew.

I knew exactly where he was.

I came up to the building where I told him what Carol had just told me. That she wasn't my mother. It was weird calling her by her name but I couldn't really call her mom.

He was sitting in his corner making something out of dead plants. I was to distracted to ask.

Panting, I made my way over to him and plopped down next to him.

Once he realized I was there he quickly hid whatever he was making and looked at me.

"What happened?" he asked concerned.

"I..... just...... ran....... all....... the....... way....... here........" I explained between breaths.

"Why? What do you need to tell me?" He knew me too well.

"Well, I just found out the whole story of my missing mother. If you're interested, but if not I'll just be on my way." I answered casually.

"NO! NO!! TELL ME!!!" He frantically yelled, "I want to know!!" he said calmer.

I smirked.

"That's what I thought." I teased him.

I finally caught my breath and settled down. I got comfortable in front of him.

"So, basically my mom left me with Carol when I was a month old and in return she would give my mom food and clothes for me. She also said that she would come back for me, which you can see never happened. Then later my mom said that she couldn't come anymore because people were getting suspicious because she was a faction leader. She also said that she would send someone over with food whenever she could, but that never happened either. Then later she came back and told Carol that factionless- born could choose a faction when they turn 16. She told my mom to not let me choose because I might find her. She didn't want me anymore. And all she left with me was this picture," I explained, showing him the picture of my mom, "do you recognize her?"

"No, but I do have memory problems so you should ask someone else. Sorry." He answered staring at the picture, his eyebrows creasing. That was one of the main reasons that he failed his initiation; his memory.

"It's ok", I answered disappointed.

"So what are you gonna do?" he asked after a long, awkward pause.

"I'm gonna find her," I answered matter of factly, "I don't know how, but I am."

"Well then I'm coming with you", he told me like I couldn't change his mind.

"No," I pleaded, "this is something I have to do on my own."

"But what if you get hurt? What if someone kills you? I could never live with myself if I just let you go by yourself unprotected."

"Ok," I lied, "you can come."

He smiled at me.

"Good, because there's nothing you can do to stop me." He laughed softly.

I had to think.

I had to think of a way to find her.

I had to think of who would recognize her.

I couldn't be distracted by Andrew.

"Well I have to go now, my mom-" I stopped, "Carol is waiting for me", I lied.

"Ok," he said totally unaware, "goodbye." He waved to me as I walked toward the doorway of his building.

"Bye see you tomorrow!" I said waving back to him.

It was getting dark.

My stomach growled. Uhhh.... I haven't eaten in a while.

I rushed back to Carol hoping that she had saved some food for me.

The abnegation were still there, thankfully.

Then I saw the one person that could almost definitely help me.

Mrs. Prior.

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