CAPTURED: Chapter 15

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Natalie's POV

I tripped over a rock, and fell flat on my face. I hadn't stopped running until that moment. I touched my hand to my face and felt a warm liquid.

Blood. I wiped the blood on my pants, and went over to the nearest run-down building. The cut was right on my cheekbone and my whole cheek was dripping with dark red blood.

I ripped my sleeve off, and tied it around my head so that it applied pressure to the cut. I sat down to rest inside a building. I hoped it wouldn't cave in on me. That was the 4th most common way factionless die after dehydration, starvation, and hypothermia. Andrew taught me those words. Andrew.
Andrew's POV

I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't stop.

She couldn't have gotten that far.

I searched everywhere.

I need to find her.
Natalie's POV

It was blurry. Why?

My eyes cleared up and I saw two people pointing guns at me. Oh, no. I fell asleep.

"Get up," One of them said. It was a boy. He had a very defined jaw and short brown hair. I could see tattoos creeping out of his shirt.

"He said get up," The other one said. It was a girl. She had dark skin and black hair.

I got up and the boy took my arm and pushed me forward. He put his gun on my back.

"Keep walking or I'll shoot."

Great. Look what I got myself into.

I started walking.

A long time went by. The people were talking quietly behind me. I could make out a few words. The girls name was Christina and I couldn't figure out the boy's name. Christina kept saying 4 though. I don't know anyone who uses numbers that often.

We approached train tracks. What are we doing here?

I heard a train in the distance. It's probably coming to get us.

"Get ready," the boy said. What does he mean?

The train came into view. It was only a few feet away, when I realized it wasn't going to stop. What are we doing then?

Right before it passed us, the boy came up to me.

"RUN!" He yelled. WHAT?

I saw Christina run along the train, and the boy pushed me. I started running.

Christina grabbed onto the train and jumped on. I grabbed the handle that she used, and tried to swing myself in like she did. I failed. My feet scraped the ground. I would've fallen if the boy hadn't pushed me onto the train. Then he jumped in.

I sat there breathless.

After a while, I finally spoke up.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"Dauntless," Christina answered. It then dawned on me that they were both wearing all black. Dauntless.

"Why?" I asked.


I decided they weren't going to answer anymore questions. So, I shut my mouth. This is a way to get into Dauntless. Plus, if I tried to escape, they would shoot me.

Then, all of the sudden, they both stood up. Oh, we are getting off. I stood up as well.

"Get ready," Christina said. I'm sick of them saying that to me. What is it now?

She jumped off the train. Jumped. Off the train.

Oh, great.

"JUMP!" The boy yelled at me.

I ran over to the door and looked down. I immediately regretted it. Then I flew. I closed my eyes, hoping I wouldn't fall to my death. Soon, my body collided with hard ground. I opened my eyes and stood up. A few spots on my hands and legs were bleeding, but it wasn't too bad. The boy jumped off the train and did a somersault as he came in contact with the ground and landed on his feet. Wow. It was amazing. They really are dauntless.

The boy came over to me and spoke.

"You and your little boyfriend shouldn't have tried to sneak into abnegation."

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