HOW?: Chapter 8

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She looked at me surprised. I was expecting that. But then, she gave me an understanding look. She sighed.

"I thought you were going to say something like that," she said. Then after a long pause she spoke again.

"How?" That one word that has been going through my mind ever since I knew that I needed to find her. How WAS I going to do it? How was I going to find her? I don't even know her name! Or faction! She probably looks much different now, 16 years later.

"I don't know," I answered after thinking for a bit. "I'll have to think about it."

"Ok," she said, "let me know if I can do anything to help." Pure Abnegation words.

I nodded. "I will."

I didn't want to sleep with Carol. But, I didn't want to sleep alone either.

So, I went back to Andrew's "house". He would let me sleep there.

I entered the makeshift door he made out of stray wood he found closer to the city then we are supposed to go. The damp wood was leaning against the doorframe, leaving a small hole to snake through on the side. I slid through, my hand scraping against the wood. I probably got another splinter, like every time I go through the hole.

He was laying on a pile of blankets that he had gathered up over the year he's been here.

He shot up when I came in.

"Nat?" He asked frantically. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine," I answered quickly so he wouldn't worry, "I just needed a place to sleep."

His face softened. "Of course, Nat." He said, stretching out the blankets to make room for me. "You scared me, you never come this late."

I laid down and wrapped myself in a blanket. "I'm sorry, I just didn't want to sleep alone."

"It's ok," he said laying down next to me, "you can sleep here until we go to find your mom, if you want."

"Ok, thanks." I felt so guilty. I didn't want him to come. I wanted to go find my mom on my own. I could get hurt or killed. I didn't want him to get hurt. I couldn't live with myself if he did.

After a while I heard him snoring. It was actually kind of peaceful, not like those thunderous snores I hear sometimes. It was very soothing, the mixture between his peaceful snores and even breathing. It made me want to fall asleep. But I couldn't.

I had to think. How would I find her? What if no one recognizes her? What if I go through all this trouble and she's dead or something? How am I going to go into the factions and not get noticed or killed?

I thought all night. I wish I had a watch. It was a thing you put on your wrist to tell what time it is. Andrew had told me everything when we met.
I wish I knew what time it was.

Then a thought popped into my mind.

I had a plan.

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