Ch 2:Who might you be?

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I so don't want to do what Jace has planned for us in the evening. I sigh and look at the clock and gasp when I see what time it is. "It's freakin' 6:30! Jace said I better be ready by 6:55. Fuck. I'm screwed!". I hurry up and make an effort at dressing up. As the clock strikes 6:50 I hear a knock at the door. I quickly get down the stairs to open the door and what I see in front of me makes me terrified, to say the least. I see Jace with an unreadable expression plastered on his face. "Jace is everything a-alright?"."Do I look alright to u, 'brina?!"he says as he storms inside the house. Good thing my parents aren't home tonight."J-Jace can I get u something? Some water maybe?"I say as I'm scared beyond imagination and have no idea as to what will calm this asshole down. "I DON'T WANT WATER 'BRINA! I WANT BLOODY ANSWERS FROM YOU!" he yells making me flinch a little. "Jace what're you talking about? What a-answers?". "Care to tell me why those bitches never mind their own fucking business?!"."Jace who are u talking about?! I don't understand!"." Oh my dear 'brina, I'm talking about your dear friends Lili and Keiran. Why do they interfere in our relationship when I've clearly expressed MY disinterest in any kind of intervention on their part?!". "But what about me Jace?! What about "my disinterest" in having a relationship with someone like YOU?! what about my feelings?! My emotions?! You ever stop to think how terrible it feels to be manhandled by you all the time?! To never have an opinion of my own? I'm sick and tired of being controlled by you, Jace! You need to stop doing this!". It didn't take take me any more than a look from Jace to realise what a grave mistake I just made. He looked at me with such anger in his eyes and a glint of wickedness that was enough to send chills down my spine." What did you say to me, bitch?! Don't you know how pathetic you are? You deserve everything that I do to you for not listening to me! For not obeying me! And tonight I'm gonna show you just how big of a mistake u made by yelling at me" he says with a smirk on his face that I wish I could wipe off. All of a sudden he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and makes his way to my room. That was the moment I knew exactly what was going to happen. "J-Jace you don't need to do this! You're better than this. Please please let me go! I'm n-never gonna yell at you again! I promise Jace! I made a mistake. Forgive me!" "I like that 'brina! Keep begging. But you, of all people, should know very well that I don't forgive people so easily. You deserve a punishment for what you did and that's exactly what I'm gonna give you tonight" with this he starts his assault on me and I lay there with no movement as tears are streaming down my face.


*Mentions of sexual assault ahead. If it triggers you, please skip the flashback*.

I've been waiting for this day since forever! Today's junior prom. Jace asked me to be his prom date. Scratch that...he ORDERED me to be his date to the prom.I wasn't too keen on being his date but I was really excited because it's Prom, afterall! I get dressed and Jace picks me up at 7. When we get to the school gymnasium where the prom was being held, I turn around only to find Jace making out with some other girl. Honestly, I didn't mind. Now if I'd have been a normal girl in a normal relationship...this would have broken my heart. But what I got myself into a year back was anything but normal. I was looking around the area when someone appeared from behind. "Would you like to dance with me, Sabrina?" A guy called Trevor comes up to me. "Yeah sure, Trevor! I'd love to!". We get to the dance floor as we groove to the music. It had barely even continued for ten minutes when I see Jace coming towards us with nothing but anger in his eyes."You never get tired of whoring around, do you 'brina?!"."Jace I was just dancing with Trevor. And you're not one to talk. I saw you literally making out with a girl! How do you plan to explain that to me?" ."I don't need to explain anything to you, got it?! It's you who's gonna regret dancing with him tonight!"and with that he drags me out of the school shoving me in his car. As he drives to his place, I can sense anger radiating from him and he grips the steering wheel tightly and clenches his jaw. When we get to his place, he forces me out of his car and into his room. He locks the door and turns back to look at me. I had no idea about what he was gonna do to me. I thought it'd be another beating for "disobeying" him. But I was wrong. He quickly gets on top of me as I struggle beneath his grasp. He wastes no time in stripping me off and begins to thrust into me harder with each stroke." J-Jace don't! P-please stop. It hurts so much! Let me go" Tears well up in my eyes as I beg him to stop but he doesn't budge. That night, he didn't just take my Virginity...he took away my innocence, my pride and my dignity.

End of flashback.

He did this to me for the second time. He raped me for the second time. I lay in my bed lost in my thoughts when I hear him say"Next time 'brina, I'm gonna punish you in a way you're actually gonna feel the pain. I bet you enjoyed this, didn't ya?" I looked at him with utter disbelief and hatred. Honestly, I had so much to say to him in that moment. I wanted to hit him. I wanted to scream. I wanted it to end. But all that got out of my mouth was "I'm sorry Jace I won't ever yell at you".

The next morning, I wake up in hopes of seeing Lili and Keiran again. I wonder how I'll explain these bruises on my hands to them...I guess makeup comes to the rescue again. After I'm done concealing the bruises with makeup, I get ready for school. I get done with my breakfast and leave home. I enter my class and my the first person I look at is the most good looking guy I've ever seen. Forget it. He's legit a Greek God.

He looks at me with his gorgeous hazel eyes and I blush at the thought of such a gorgeous guy even looking at my ugly self

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He looks at me with his gorgeous hazel eyes and I blush at the thought of such a gorgeous guy even looking at my ugly self. Keiran's voice snaps me out if my thoughts and I take a seat next to her. All through the class, I notice the mysterious guy looking at me."Hey Keiran! Do u happen to know who that guy might be?". "Umm I guess not, 'brina. He seems new.". "Does Miss. Goody two shoes have a lil crush on him?"says Keiran with a slight grin."Nope"."I think u do, 'brina". She isn't giving up on this, is she?! I thought to myself.


I sigh at the thought of getting enrolled into a new school. My dad keeps telling me to give up my "bad boy" activities and focus on studies for once. Yeah right, as if I'm ever gonna do what he says. I get into the class and take a seat. Just as I settle down, I see a girl making her way into the class. She's so fucking beautiful. Her eyes. There's something about those eyes that resemble both pain and innocence. He thinks to himself. I notice her looking away blushing as I look into her eyes.

I love the effect I have on this gorgeous lil girl. I overhear her talking to a friend.

Her name's Sabrina.

Sabrina. what a beautiful name for such a beautiful angel.

Okkkkkk!!!! That's the second chapter of the story. Hope u like the vibe of the new character. I'm gonna make you guys fall in love with Ryan Blackwood 🌚 I absolutely despise Jace fucking Gilbert. I know I know...the feeling's mutual😂 Stay tuned guys. I'll upload the next chapter within a few days. Till then, stay safe and keep reading ♥️

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