Ch 14:Midnight confessions.

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Play the song only when I ask you to😉


Letting it all out to Harvey felt so good. How did I get so lucky to have someone like him? The way he comforted me while I was sobbing uncontrollably in his arms was literally everything.

He's all I ever wished for.

"Daydreaming doesn't seem like you, Lili" says Keiran.

"I wasn't daydreaming. I was just thinking" I say in defense.

"Whatever" she says.

"Where's 'brina?" I ask her.

"Upstairs in her room with Ryan." She says smiling.

"We should go clubbing tonight!" I say.

"Who are you and what the hell did you do to my friend?" She looks at me wide eyed in amusement.

"Very funny. I just feel like doing something tonight" I say.

"I'll talk to the guys then" she says.

"Yup" I say.


I'm convinced that he likes me. He gave me the signs.


"How are you so sure?" I ask Keiran. "I see things, 'brina. Haven't you noticed the signs?" She asks me. "What signs?" I ask scrunching my eyebrows. "There are things like... certain behavioural changes guys exhibit around the girl they like" she tells me. "And you mean to say that Ryan acts differently in front of me?" I ask. "Yes, you dummy!" She says. "So, tell me. What have you noticed?" I ask her. "Firstly, he doesn't curse much when you're around" she says. "He curses a lot when I'm not around?" I ask. "Hell yeah!" She says. "And secondly, he'll never miss a chance to start a conversation with you. Like...NEVER! And he'll do things he isn't interested in if you ask him to" she says."There you have it! These are the evident signs. Test him!" She says. "Test him?!" I ask. "Yeah! Try to make him do something he isn't interested in. He'll do it for you." She says. "Let's see if he does..." I say.

End of flashback.

"Guys, let's go clubbing tonight. What do you say?" Keiran asks.

Sounds interesting.

"I'm in" I say.

All heads snap at my direction.

"What? I like clubbing!" I say in defense.

"Never took you for the clubbing type" says Nick.

"Well you know now!" I tell him.

Ryan smirks looking impressed by my new revelation.

"We're all in" says Ryan.

"Then let's decide the outfits!" Keiran chirps.

"It's only 7, Keiran! We aren't leaving before 9:30." Says Nick.

"Girls take time to dress up. We don't wanna look like crap... unlike you guys" she says pointing at the guys.

"Yeah sure" says Harvey laughing.

"Let's go Lili and 'brina" she calls for us.

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