Ch 8:I'll protect you with my life

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"I can help you,'brina. Tell me who it is."

"It's J-Jace. He's the one I'm running away from".



"Why are you running away from him, Sabrina? Did he do something to you? He cheated on you?!" I ask her.

"He did much worse than cheat on me, Ryan". she says.

"I need you to tell me everything, Sabrina. Don't hide that stuff from me." I tell her.

Please let me in, baby.

"Ryan, there are things I can't possibly say to anyone. Not to you. Not to Keiran and Lili. I'm too ashamed of myself to share it with anyone I know". she tells me with tear stained eyes.

"But you gotta let people in, 'brina. Me, Nick, Harvey, Keiran and Lili...we all love you and are willing to do anything for your sake. You need to open up to us, 'brina. Please" I plead her to tell me the truth.

"Ryan promise me you won't think of me differently when I tell you the truth." she tells me and I can feel that she's scared of losing me.

"I would never...and I repeat...NEVER, think of you any different than I do, no matter what you say next" I tell her.

Just as she's about to tell me everything, she gets a call from Lili and looks at me to check if I'd be ok with her recieving the call. I nod.

"Yeah. Ok. I'll be right back". She says to Lili.

"Everything alright, 'brina?" I ask her.

"Yeah it's just that we're supposed to be at school right now. Can I talk to you later, Ryan?" she asks me.

"Off course, 'brina. But I ain't letting it go. Whatever it is that you're going through, you need to tell me." I tell her.

"I'll tell you everything, Ryan" she says with a small smile tugged at her lips.

"Cya later, princess" I say to her as I head back home.


I almost revealed everything to Ryan. What was I thinking?! This can't be happening. I can't say this to anyone. Jace will hurt Ryan. I can't tell him.

"Ready for school, 'brina?" Keiran asks me.

"Um yeah. How'd your date with Nick go last night?" I ask her.

"In one word, it was Mystical" she says with her eyes if reliving the whole ordeal.

"Dream at night, Keiran. Let's get to class." says Lili snapping Keiran out of her thoughts.

"Bye guys. Cya later!" I tell them and I make my way to the library when someone yanked me hard against the lockers.

I instantly know who it might be. I turn around and look at Jace who's fuming with anger right now.

"You don't get what I say, do you?! How many times do I have to remind you to not speak to Ryan ever again?! Are you seriously that dumb, baby?!" he yells.

"Stop this nonsense, Jace. It was you who pushed me in the lake and told me that I should've died long back! You are in no place to take decisions for me. I don't want you in my life anymore. I'm breaking up with you and that's final" I yell back at him.

I didn't stutter. What?!

"How dare you try breaking up with me, huh?! It's me who takes the shots in this relationship. It's not over till I say it is. Get that straight to your head, you worthless bitch!" and right after saying this to me he slaps me across my cheek causing me to fall to the ground.

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