"I can only imagine how you must have felt there, 'brina" Ryan tells her.
"Honestly, it wasn't that bad"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I know I was really nervous and... scared but it faded away, gradually"
"I'm glad you came up with that confession as evidence"
"Ahh tell me about it. I should probably thank Keiran for recording it in the first place"
"Well you should" he says, chuckling.
"Guess what, I don't have to go to the diner today"
"Really? That's great!"
"Yeah. It's my day off"
"Would you fancy a little cappuccino?" Ryan asks in his thick British accent.
"I would love that, Sir" I say, mimicking him.
"Okay there. Makin' fun of my accent! Not cool, baby" he says.
"Yeah. Tell me" he says as he walks up to me.
"Take me to the bedroom"
"Hell yeah, baby" he says as he picks me up and takes me inside.
He lays me down on the bed.
"Close the door"
"You're fiesty today. I like it!" He says as he closes the door.
"Now switch off the lights"
He switches off the lights and gets on top of me.
"Ry, what're you doing?"
"Oh now don't you go all innocent on me. You know exactly what I'm doing" he says as he kisses my neck.
"No I mean I was thinking maybe I could take a nap"
"You could take a what now?!"
"A nap"
"I thought we were gonna make love" he says, looking into my eyes.
"Off course we are! I was kidding. C'mere" I say, as I pull him closer to me.
My phone starts to ring.
"Fucking hell!" Ryan yells.
"Ok it's Keiran. I have to take this"
Ryan gives me a nod.
"Hey 'brina. We're at 698 Candlewood lane. Please come and get us. Someone's kidnapped us. Please...just please get here" she says, sobbing.
"Woah. Hold on. We'll be there. Are you ok?!"
"What's wrong?" Ryan asks.
"You better get here in 15 minutes or she dies" A man tells me.
"Don't you touch them. I'll be there"
"Bring him along"
"You know who I'm talking about. Don't mess with me, girl. And you know better than to bring the police. Cuz if you do involve the police, we'll know. And you know what happens after that" he says, and I hear a whimper from Keiran.

You And Me, Forevermore
Romance"He was the definition of what you call bad, he smoked, he broke the law, he drove too fast for his own good.He didn't care because no one taught him how to. But when it came to her, he wanted to be the best man.He couldn't bare the thought of her b...