Ch 30: A thing called letting go...

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"Please tell me what's going on. Cuz whatever it is, it's freaking me out!" says Lili.

"You should ask them"

"I can't-" says Ryan.

"Why can't you?!" I ask.

"Cuz you'll leave me if I tell you, and you won't ever come back..."

"What makes you so sure that I won't?! I Love you, Ry. I've loved you enough to understand you"

"Believe me, you won't understand me this time"

"Try me! And besides that, weren't you the one who said that I needed to know what this was all about?!"

"I don't know if I can-"

"You can! I want to know what it is that you're so Hell bent on hiding from me. You have to tell me how that man knew you from you knew exactly where Nick and Keiran were held captive, and what that message meant to you"

"Please listen to me. This will be the end of us" he says looking in my eyes.

"It won't. I know it won't"

He takes a deep breath and starts to speak.

"Two years back, my mother died"

"Ry I'm so sorry. How did that happen?"

"She... well, she got murdered"


"Yeah. And the man you saw today was a member of the gang that killed her. Me and Dad weren't at home that night. They broke into our house and stole what they could and left, but not before shooting my mother right in the chest"

"I'm so sorry this happened to you, baby" I say, caressing his cheeks.

"I'm alright"

"What do you mean 'was a member' of the gang?"

"They all died"

"They wrote their own destiny. Ry, why would you think that I'd leave you just because you lost your mother?"

"Cuz there's more to it"

"What is it?"

"You didn't ask me how the members of the gang died"

"How would you possibly know it?"

"I do know it. Cuz I was the one who did it all"

"Did what?"

"Killed them"

"Ryan you're not making sense right now. You need to rest"

"What I need is to tell you the truth. And I will"

"What the heck are you saying?!"

"I killed them, 'brina. I killed them all"

"Please tell me this is some kind of a  sick joke" says Lili.

"It isn't"

"Nick, do you know something about this?" Keiran asks.

"Let him speak" says Nick, pointing at Ryan.

"When I found out who killed her, I went after them. I figured out the place they lived in. So I went there, stole a gun and shot them dead. The one who kidnapped them was the only one who got away"

"Ry, tell me that isn't true"

"I'm not lying"

"This might sound foolish but I understand what led you to take that step. But how did you get away with it?!"

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