Ch 6:My heart stops when you look at me.

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I sat in the couch contemplating everything that happened in the last thirty minutes. Not only did I make a complete fool of myself by being a stuttering mess in front of him but also...

Ryan fucking Blackwood saw me in a towel. Holy Shit.

End of recap


On my way back, all I could possibly think about was Her.

Why did she have to look so damn alluring?!

Before today, I believed Sabrina to be the prettiest, and the cutest girl I'd ever seen. But man was I wrong. How was I to know that beneath those simple clothes, was a girl that HOT. The best thing about her is that she is totally unaware of how gorgeous she is. That's what makes her beautiful.( There I go with the One Direction references again👀)

As I enter our house, I see Harvey and Nick looking at me as if they'd seen a ghost.

"You guys alright?" I ask them.

"Bro we're fine. The real question is ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Nick asks me

"Why'd I not be alright?! I'm ok" I say to them with a confused expression.

"Well, let's say it's because you haven't stopped smiling since the moment you walked in!" says Harvey with a smirk.

Then I realise what an idiot I must look like right now.

"I think I know what got him all smiles today. It's a girl named Sabrinaaaaaaa" yells Harvey.

"Stop yelling, will ya?!" I sigh.

"Ry you can't hide that stuff from us, you know! It's not like we don't see right through you" says Nick.

"Guys, I can't believe I'm gonna admit it in front of you. But you're not wrong. I do like Sabrina. But she has a boyfriend, Jace. It'd be selfish of me to still be after her, knowing that she's dating someone". I say to them.

"Is our friend turning into a softy these days?" questions Harvey.

"k whatever that means" I wave at them and make my way to the kitchen.


I gorge on a packet of doritos and continue to think about how I'd possibly face Ryan at school the next day.

I hear a knock at the door and I see Keiran and Lili through the peephole.

I let them in and tell them everything that had just happened while they weren't here.

"Shut the freakin' front door, 'brina!" yells Keiran.

Lili stands there with her mouth wide open.

"I'm not kidding, you guys! It really happened. The moment I stepped out of the shower, I saw him sitting on the couch and he..well he saw a towel." I say to them quite awkwardly.

"We get that but what happened next?!" asks Lili.

"He flirted with me." I say to them.

"Well...I thought you'd do something more than just flirt 'brina!" says Keiran as if she were disappointed.

"What the hell do you mean?" I question.

"Well, for starters, you could have atleast kissed him" says Keiran.

Lili smiles at her obnoxious comment.

"Why would I do that?!" I say in defense.

"Simple. You have a crush on Ryan Blackwood." she says as if it was that obvious.

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