Ch 28: Everytime I didn't, I almost did

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Sabrina stood there stiffly thinking of all the things that could and certainly will go wrong in a few moments.

She glanced up at Ryan and recieved a reassuring nod from him. She looked at her parents who were already in tears.

She took a deep breath and started speaking.

She leaned forward and looking at the ground, she tried to remember what Alaric had taught her.

"Two years back, I met Jace and we...well, we started dating"

"We've already established that, Miss Adams. My question is however concerning the events that took place at the night of the 16th of July" The attorney says.

"It was prom night. I went there with Jace"

"What happened at the prom?"

"I was dancing with this guy from our school. Jace saw it and that somehow made him mad at me even though it's ironic how he was literally snogging with a girl somewhere back inside"

Sabrina could feel a little courage building up inside her.

"What happened next?"

"He walked up to us and yelled at me for dancing with another guy. And then he-" she trails off.

"And then what?"

"He told me to get in his car. And...I did. I shouldn't have"

"What happened in the car?"

"Nothing. He took me to his house"

"I'm listening"

"There...he raped me"

"What led up to that?"

"Are you seriously asking me to describe how he did it?!" Sabrina looks at the attorney with utter disbelief.

"That's precisely what I'm asking of you"

"Objection, Your honour. The defendant is trying to make the victim relieve her traumatising past" says Alaric.

"Objection overruled" The judge says.

"So... we'd like you to continue"

"He hit me quite a couple of times...hard enough to almost knock me out. And then he tied me to the bed and-"

"Tied you with what?"

Sabrina looks at the attorney as if begging him to make it stop.

"With a rope"

"What did he do next?"

"He forced himself on m-me. And then he raped me"

Sabrina could see Ryan's jaw clenching everytime she said something about what she had to endure.

"How do we know it wasn't just a weird kink you had?" The attorney asks.

"Excuse me" says Sabrina with a terrified expression.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Ryan yells at the attorney.

"No. But I'm sure she was" he says, pointing at Sabrina.

"What exactly do you intend to say?"

"I'm hoping you remember the guy you danced with that night"

"Yes. His name was Trevor"

"I'd now like to present the next witness"

Sabrina notices Trevor walking in.

"Do you recognise him?"

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