Ch 9:I think I am finally clean.

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"You okay, 'brina?" I ask her.

"Yeah I'm alright, Ryan. It's just that you're the first person I've ever said this to. It feels weird yet I'm relieved. I'm glad I don't have to keep my feelings bottled up anymore. Because I know someone's gonna listen to me no matter what." she says smiling at me.

"I'd always listen to you, 'brina. You mean a lot to me" I tell her.

"But Ryan, I'm scared" she sighs.

"Of Jace?!" I ask.

"Yeah" she says weakly.

"Don't be scared of him, babe" I tell her.

"You have no idea how psychotic he gets, Ryan! He'll do something to you!" She tells me looking deeply concerned.

"You saw what happened at school today. I sure as hell can kick his ass!" I tell her.

"I know you can, Ryan. But what if he.." she starts to speak and abruptly stops.

"Finish what you were saying, 'brina." I tell her looking in the eyes.

"He is not really fond of the idea of us being friends...much less talking to each other. He does weird things when he sees me with other guys" she tells me

"What does he do?" I ask her.

"Once when he caught me talking to Harvey the day before yesterday, he dragged me back to his place and..." she stops.

"Tell me, 'brina" I say running my hands through her hair.

"He told me how I was going to other guys for sex instead of being loyal to him. He said that I 'needed to be fucked hard and that'd be my lesson' and he went on to actually do that" she tells me with tears rolling down her eyes.

"What the heck?! 'brina, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you before, but now that I'm here, I promise you, he won't ever lay a hand on you" I assure her.

"There used to be a time when all I ever wanted was to be enough for him. But he never acknowledged that. He made the choice to cheat on me with many girls." she tells me.

"You're not bound to him anymore, baby. Now I need you to be strong enough and do something" I tell her.

"What is it?" she asks.

"Break up with Jace" I tell her.

"N-No I can't do that. He'll h-hurt me, Ryan." she tells me with a fearful voice.

"There's no way in hell he's gonna hurt you when I'm by your side" I tell her with a smile.

"You'd do that for me?" she asks me.

"No doubt about that, 'brina" I tell her.

"When am I doing it then?" she asks me.

"Tomorrow. At school" I tell her.

"Ok...I Will" she tells me looking confident.

"Good girl" I tell her.

"I'm not a little girl, Ryan!" she laughs nudging my arm.

"Yes you are!" I said.

"No I'm not!" she fires back.

"Ok I give up. You're a grown up woman." I say to her.

"Now you're just making me look old!" she whines.

"You asked for it, 'brina" I tell her with a smirk.

"It's almost 5. I need to leave for the diner. Will you wait for me, Ryan? It'll just take me a few minutes to get ready" she tells me.

"Off course I will! Now go! Hurry!" I tell her.

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