Safe Space

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This one shot is requested by: idkhow_got_here

"Y/N, wish me luck!"

You read the text message that Chifuyu has sent you an hour ago.

Today is the day that Chifuyu been waiting for. He finally got a chance to go out with his crush.

You were happy for him but there's something inside you that felt sad. Chifuyu is your best friend hence you only want the best for him.

In the evening, you received a text message from Chifuyu asking you if you could come over and bring some snacks with you.

You already have a feeling that your best friend might have been rejected. Still, you want to make him feel better a little.

"I'm sorry, but I already like someone else."

Chifuyu told you the exact words that his crush has told him, tears are threatening to fall. You frowned from what you have heard. How could someone reject someone like him? You thought.

He got up early, styled his hair, wore his best clothes and even went out of his way to buy flowers for his crush only to be rejected by her.

"Y/n. I don't know what I did wrong. I followed all the advice in my manga but I still got rejected." The blonde whines while continuously eating the ice cream you brought.

"I told you so." You calmly said, turning the pages of his manga.

Chifuyu sulked. Mumbling incoherent words about how his crush turned him down.

"Hey, don't be sad. Let's go out for a walk." You suggested, standing up from the spot where you were sitting previously.

You grabbed Chifuyu's hand and motioned him to stand up. The blonde stood up with the tub of ice cream in his hand and a small pout in his face.

"Come on, let's get some fresh air. Stop sulking over some girl." You said as you both exited the room.

The both of you have left the his house and went to the park. The cold evening wind sent chills that's why you rub your hands together to create some friction.

Chifuyu noticed it and placed his jacket over your shoulders. You blushed at his action and thanked him.

"She's not just some girl." Chifuyu said, breaking the silence.

"Huh?" You're now confused as to what the man has told you.

"My crush. She's not just some girl. I really liked her but she turned me down." Chifuyu looked really sad while saying those words.

You felt a pang in your chest, you hated seeing Chifuyu like this. You don't want him to be sad.

To consolidate his broken heart, you hugged him tight and rubbed circles in his back.

"There, there. Don't be sad. She doesn't know what she missed out." You said as you continuously pat the blonde's back.

Chifuyu on the other hand, is crying silently in your embrace. He hugged you back and placed his head at the crook of your neck.

"Thank you. You're always here for me. I am so grateful to have you." Chifuyu said between his sobs.

"If you only spared a glance at me." You said softly.

Chifuyu blushed at the words you said.


"Hmm? You feeling better now?" You asked as slowly freed the man from your hug.

"I'm better now. Thanks to you. You're my safe space." Chifuyu said, smiling at you.

"That's good. I'm always here for you, Fuyu. I am always willing to be your safe space." You sweetly smiled at him.

I'm sorry in advance if it did not meet your expectations. I really tried tho. Hehe.

Thank youuuu ~

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