𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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"Alone. Surrounded by people but still alone. That's how it felt waking up in that place. Realising it wasn't just a bad dream. We were truly and actually fucked. Some were lucky. They had someone to hold on to. I should have too, but I couldn't let go of the blame.


On Day two Fatin and Carla were the last to wake up, well they were always the last to wake up. The others just looked around for a few minutes as if finally believing this was where they were. After half an hour Dot decided to wake the two still sleeping up.

"Hey, dudes. Rise and shine. We're in hell." Dot scoffed and when neither of them moved she got worried that they had met the same fate as Jeanette and died in the night. "Fatin. Carla" Dot jolted the former who woke up annoyed.

"What the...what the fuck? I was sleeping" Fatin stated completely lost on why she was awoken but Dot was half relieved.

"Yeah, well, I thought you were dead, dick. Will you please check if she's alive" Dot nodded to the blonde laying next to Fatin.

Fatin put her finger under the blondes nose to feel her breath "She's alive, but let her sleep" Fatin nodded. Once Fatin had completed her task she pulled the strings of her hood tighter and laid back down in hopes of sleeping once again.

"People, we're missing a person." Shelby announced making the others look around and notice Leah wasn't with them.

"Leah" Rachel spotted said girl stumbling towards them a phone in hand.

"It's Jeanette's"


By the time the other girls got back Carla was awake and sitting with Toni and Martha who had explained the situation to the sleepy girl.

A while later Dot and Fatin wandered back to camp with a bright yellow emergency slide and the two and Carla were doing inventory of all the stuff at the camp and in Fatin's suit case.

"Alright, so you bought...what, like, 37 condoms? And your birth control pills. Planned parent hood poster child over here." Dot teased as she went through Fatin's stuff.

"I do my best" Fatin smiled as Carla commented.

"Better safe then sorry"

"Day 15...we better be out of here by day 21" Fatin looked down at her pills "I do not wanna be on my period in this hellhole"

𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐬 (on hold) Where stories live. Discover now