𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"We were so hyped when we got it. We thought that rescue would show up right away, but three days go by and nothing. Just started to feel like a sick joke."


Once the cave had proven to be a bust the girls went back to camping out on the beach. One pro of that is being closer to the sea was if a boat comes by and it made it less of a trek to bathe.

Bathing however was slightly hard to do in the middle of the ocean and with only one bottle of soap between nine of them, the girls had resulted to whore baths. Which was exactly what Fatin, Carla, Shelby and Nora had done at the beginning of day six.

"Fuck, I miss my socials" Fatin announced to the other three from where she was stood in her jade ensemble.

"Feels strange to say this, but I sort of don't" Shelby disagreed with a content smile.

"Oh, come on. The fans, the haters, the memes. The thirst traps. It's all happening somewhere, but...without us." Fatin explained with a sense of sadness.

"Yeah, come on Shelbs, don't you miss it even a little bit. Social media, the people you follow, it's like you're own little world, you're the only person who follows the people you follow, it's uniquely yours" Carla softly said with a slight feeling of wistfulness coming over her.

"Shit, Carla that was deep" Fatin looked at the blonde who blushed slightly before Shelby explained why she didn't miss social media.

"You know what my daddy always says when I'm looking at my phone too much? He says, 'you'll never spot a rainbow if you're looking down'"

"Uh, except that people are always posting rainbow pics on Instagram." Nora pointed out as she stood up and made Fatin laugh.

"Can I get my soap?" Fatin asked Shelby who based the bottle over "Time for a quick whore bath."

"Excuse me, what is a whore bath?" Shelby laughed sounding bemused at the phrase.

"Just the pits, tits and slits" Nora explained as she fell back into the water and the three gaped and chuckled at the usually quiet girl knowing the phrase.

"You're low-key very edgy, aren't you?" Fatin asked knowingly with a smile as she looked at Nora who was back standing in the water.

"Wait, why do I feel like I'm being ganged up on- Oh, what the hell is touching me?" Shelby ran over to where Carla was stood and held onto her arm as the four apprehensively looked at what had been in the ocean.

𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐬 (on hold) Where stories live. Discover now