𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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"I know this is delicate, but we need you to tell us what happened that day" Faber asked Carla who was in the interview room rather than having a prenatal check up this time.

"They just kind of disappeared, we couldn't see them, we did know what was going on but we could hear them screaming it's how we know they were alive... until. It felt like forever before she was just gone. Then Dot saw Rachel. Some of us didn't move... some of us jumped into action. It was Dot who knew what to do the most. The rest of us... we were just there to comfort her, to... hold her down. Leah show'd Fatin where Nora left her, Fatin told me there was nothing there. It was the worst day of my life but I've never felt closer to a group than ever before after that we were a family. Just like that." Carla explained day twenty three to the two men.


Dot decided they needed to move off the beach inland after she and Fatin created an SOS sign just in case someone came past the island to save them. They had all been checking in on a quiet Rachel daily. Changing her bandages, trying to cheer her up or at least her to say something, smile, convince her to move inland with the rest of them. A lot had changed in six days, Marty was now the new hunter much to everyone's surprise, Toni was way more calm and Shelby wasn't self destructive anymore and Carla was starting to show which she was not happy about.

Marty had returned from her hunt for the day and sat herself silently next to Carla who noticed her less than cheerful disposition. "You good, Marty?"

"I'm fine just thinking..."

"Bout what" Carla carefully pried and once the girl was about to answer Fatin perused so she was standing in front of the pair with a book in her hands.

"Martha...you've been holding out on me, girl. I was consolidating some of our shit, and I found this at the bottom of your suitcase." Fatin showed the pair the book before carrying on "This is literature. I mean, I've only perused, but it's already better than Jeff's soggy diaper of a book. It's got short sentences, a few bedroom scenes for the spank bank, if she'll ever go there again. It's a beach read. Got a true fucking beach read on our hands, and we're leaving the goddamn beach." Fatin sat down as she continued talking about Martha's book.

"Sorry. Forgot I had it." Martha apologised before Fatin asked what Carla had asked before she came along.

"You okay?"

"Can I ask you two a question? Have either of you... have you noticed any new vibes between some of the people here?" Martha asked the duo.

"Mmm, are you referring to the clinically depressive vibes at our three o'clock? Because I think Rachel's got a good reason..."

"Fatin" Carla scolded as she cut the girl off.

"No, I don't mean bad vibes. I mean more like...shiny vibes...like, between two people...who might be more than friends?" Marty asked causing the pair to share a look before they both answered in sync.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐬 (on hold) Where stories live. Discover now