𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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The beginning of day three was filled by a thunderstorm. Fatin and Carla were sat next to each other with a towel round them in an attempt to conserve heat, Dot was putting out empty cans to fill with drinkable water and the other girls were moaning and trying to shield themselves not to much avail.

"Please make it stop!" Martha screeched cold, upset and angry all because of the weather. Shelby quickly made her way to the girl and shared the scarf with with her to protect them from the rain.

"Come here. I got you." Shelby comforted softly as the girl continued to cry.

"I use to think thunderstorms were, like, majestic." Leah called out with her book in her hands and her cardigan stretched over her head.

"That still your take?" Rachel asked angrily.

Before Leah could answer she was sprayed with more cold water as the thunder boomed causing her to call out "no"

Dot, the only one to come up with a plan called out to the girls with the yellow inflatable slide in her hands "All right! Come on! Everybody, grab an end! Get under!"

The girls, willing to do anything to be away from the storm, quickly followed the girls orders and started to sit under the slide.

Shelby and Martha were sat next to each other comforting one another which caused Toni to shoot them jealous looks which Carla spotted and smiled up at the girl who was sat to her left. "If you want you can keep me warm" Carla said with a playful smile which made Toni laugh slightly before she opened her arms so that she and the blonde could keep each other warm.

"How's your ankle?" Shelby asked Martha checking on the girl as well as hoping conversation would make the time in the storm go faster.

"Better, I think. It's just... it's so itchy." Martha confessed as she scratched her ankle furiously.

"My leg is kind of itchy, too" Leah confessed as she too scratched her leg.

"Yeah, mine too" Shelby nodded.

"Shit. Sand fleas" Dot announced making Fatin snap her head round to look at the girl next to her.

"Sand what?!"

"Sand fleas! Well, they're not really, like, fleas. They're more like tiny little shrimp. They're not lethal. They're just annoying. Once the rain stops, we can just go scrub them off, you know before they get a chance to burrow" Dot explained to the girls as Fatin kept saying 'No' in denial. At the final sentence the dramatic girl got up and screamed.

"Fuck my life!" Before thunder boomed causing all the girls to drag her back under their protective shelter.


𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐬 (on hold) Where stories live. Discover now