Chapter 13- At the Mall with Max

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(Jesse's POV)
Arriving home, noticing Lou wasn't there made me think for a moment. She's never been here after I did. It was quite peculiar for a behaviour like this of her's. Where could she be? What could be taking place? Well, we'll find out when I message her.
'Lou??? Where are you?'
She instantly replied.
'On my way home.'
'I've been wondering what you were doing...'
'I'll tell you later'
She always has this I'll tell you later custom wherein afterwards, she doesn't give a definite explanation.
'Be back in twenty minutes.' , she once again messaged, startling me a bit.
Max abruptly barged into the room, making me squeal and afterwards... chuckle. Maybe we could use a bit of this last twenty minutes. ;) Max and I... alone. It's worth it.
(Lou's POV)
Before I even stepped in our room, Max suddenly exited, his hair messy as he smiled and greeted me. He rushed downstairs as I looked at him in confusion. I finally entered the room to see Jesse who also did have jumbled up hair. She mysteriously was adjusting her shorts. This actions of theirs were making me think. Jesse and Max... oh, dear.
"Jesse, what in heavens have you been doing?", I ask, looking at her, suspiciously.
"Oh... It's just me and Max here doing stuff.", she giggled as I finally figured out what has been taking place. I sigh and threw myself to my bed.
"So, what have you been doing?", Jesse asks as she walked over to the mirror, fixing up her hair.
"Eh... I was with my friend.", I reply. "And who is that friend of yours?", she chuckles. "Must be your boyfriend, huh?", she giggles again as I shoot her a killer-glare. She flinched in reaction.
"His name is Chase, my classmate. When we had dinner-" "Oh! You had dinner?! How cute!", Jesse squeaked as I grunt. "When we had dinner, his girlfriend dumped him and since I could be his best friend... I cheered him up.", I explain and Jesse was already taking a bite of her polished fingernails as she squeaked. "That's so perrrrfect!", she squealed.
(Lou's POV)
Next morning, Max invited us to go strolling around the mall. I thought of calling Chase over but he must've been having a rest so... never mind.
I got up early so I could once again, have a good, hot bath. I quickly changed and pony tailed my hair. After a while, Jesse woke up and irritatingly followed what I looked like -_- . My attire. My hair. Wait, my hair! Which means she didn't do anything about her own! Yes!
I smirk as she looks at me. "What?", she asks, shooting a disgusted look at me. "Oh, I was pretty annoyed about how you used me as your outfit reference but I did something actually that made you look better... in my sight.", I reply, grinning. "Ugh... whatever. Anyways, Max is going to pick us up and maybe you could call your friend over, hm?", she recommended. "He can't come.".
"And why?"
"You know why. About his girlfriend and all..."
"Okay... oh, look! Max is here! Let's get going.", she says, taking her purse as I followed her, downstairs.
I accompanied Jesse and Max as they went through everything they thought was fascinating. It was pretty much a dull event so I just messaged Chase.
'Are you OK?'
He replied.
'Yeah... where are you?'
'Well, I'm in the mall with my sis and her boyfriend'
'Ah... ok.'
'You wouldn't mind if I invite you over here, right?'
'I wouldn't, of course.'
'That's great! You can come now!'
'Sure! Be there in a minute!'
I sighed in relief. I finally had someone who could be with me... as a friend. Stop thinking what you're thinking about Chase and I.
Chase literally met up with me in a minute and he looked pretty all right.
"Hey, Chase!", I greet as he smiled in response. Jesse smirked at me as I rolled my eyes.
"Jesse, Max, this is Chase... and Chase, this is Jesse and Max.", I introduce as they greeted each other and Jesse smirked again. *_* Stop it, Jesse.
Jesse continued searching through other stuff and she went over this lava lamp that caught her eye. Max stayed with us, he didn't notice Jesse was somewhere else, though.
Suddenly, Max approached me and said in a deep, low voice, loud enough for Chase and I to hear.
"Thanks for last night. It was fun... ", Max whispers, winking. Chase and I burst into extremely loud guffaws. What the actual heck?! Ha! He actually thought I was Jesse!
"Woah! Max! Jesse is over there!", I laugh, pointing over to Jesse while Max blushed and ran over to Jesse.
"What was that?!", Chase asks as I shrug and laugh once again. I glanced at Max who was trying to hide behind Jesse.
Me and Chase exchanged looks of mischief as we tried to conceal our laughter.
Oh, Max. You made my day.
Readers, to inform you, I have used turtle_missy123 's idea for the reference of this chapter. Thanks for reading! And please vote... pretty please? Anyways, please read turtle_missy123's story called Consequences of being a Blonde. It's a cool story. Thanks, once again!

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