Part 4

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Today is the day we leave for Spain to perform at the judges houses. I've never been outside of England before so I'm a little nervous. Louis says I'll be okay though. Since our talk a couple of days ago, we've somehow gotten a little closer. I swear, we almost kissed this morning.

*It was about 10:30 at night and I couldn't sleep. Louis was the only person I could think of that might be awake at this hour. I quietly tiptoed into Louis' bedroom trying not to wake anybody else up before knocking on the door. "H-hi." I whispered.

"Hey, what are you doing up so late? Is something wrong?" Louis asked, sitting up. His voice was rough and deep. Hot.

"Nothings wrong, I-I just can't sleep."

"Why not?"

"Nervous, I guess. I've never been on a flight before, not even been outside of England." I said. "Was wondering if I could sleep with you."

"Of course you can, come here." he smiled, pulling the blankets down and gesturing to me to come.

When I got in he pulled the covers back up and wrapped me in his arms while I snuggled into his neck. "Thank you" I whispered, blowing air onto his neck and pretending not to notice him shivering.

"Anytime. I like cuddling you." he said, squeezing me a little.

"I can tell." I giggled. I placed a kiss on his neck and smiled at his reaction. "Night Lou."

"Night Haz"


I woke up to Louis drawing shapes on my back. "Morning sleepyhead."

"Morning," I said. "Did you sleep well?"

"Better than I have in a while." he smiled softly.

"That's good. I did too." I sighed, snuggling up against him again.

I looked up at Louis to find that he was already looking at me. We stared at each other for a minute. My eyes flickered down his lips as his flickered to mine. Just as I thought that he was leaning in, Liam knocked on the door. "Louis! We leave in an hour! Wake up!"

We both jumped in surprise and I blushed while looking down. "I'm up! Just need to pack!" Louis grumbled.

"You haven't packed yet?" I giggled.

"I was going to last night but forgot. I was distracted." he shrugged.

"Oh, well we should get up and you need to pack" I sighed, starting to move before I was pulled back down. "One more cuddle," he said.

After another minute of lying around Liam came and knocked on the door, coming in. "hey Louis, do you know where Har-, oh. Never mind." he said after he looked up from his phone. He left without another word and when he closed the door again we just started laughing.*

When we arrived in Spain the first thing we did was go to our hotel. We had two days until we had to perform in front of Simon. We had decided to sing Torn by Natalie Imbruglia. About 10 minutes after we arrived, Louis sighed, "I'm bored. Let's go to the beach or something," while falling onto the bed dramatically.

We didn't talk about what happened, or what almost happened, between us. I wasn't really sure how to bring it up. I was sure we were gonna kiss, but then Liam had to interrupt us, the cockblocker. We just went about like nothing happened.

We went to the beach as per Louis' insistent whining, I swear, he's a five year old at heart. While we were there, Louis stepped on a sea urchin and had to go to the hospital. I was going to go with him but Simon said that we needed to practice, whether Louis was there or not. He was starting to get on my nerves.

It felt weird without Louis there. Empty, almost. When he was released the next day I was the first one to hug him.

"Hey mates, good to see ya." he said as if this was normal.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I think he could tell how worried I was about him because he pulled me into another hug. "I'm fine now. I just can't put pressure on it for a while." he said. I felt better knowing that he was okay. I had an arm around his waist helping him walk.


Hi y'all, I'm back. I feel like these chapters are getting longer but idk. Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIALLER! I have much in store for this book. I was driving in the car yesterday and wrote a whole chapter involving the chicken story and when I read it back I couldn't stop laughing (mostly because its based off of my experience making chicken mixed with Louis'). but you'll have to wait for it :) Anyways, hope everyone's safe and healthy. I'm always here if you want to talk. Vote, Comment, Share please ;)

all the love, Gigi :)

2010 ~ (l.s) *book 1*Where stories live. Discover now