Part 12

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We got through! As a celebration we had decided to all go out for dinner with our families. We went to Nandos as per Niall's insistent begging, and got seated. A few people came up and asked for pictures which felt kinda weird but we said yes anyways and continued on like normal. Near the end of the night I took Louis aside wondering if we should tell everyone that we are dating or not.

"I mean, it's up to you. My family will be fine with it, they already know I like guys. Plus, the girls love you." He shrugged.

"Yea same, my mum and Gemma both know. I was just wondering because I didn't want to tell them and have us not be on the same page."

"Well, we are right?"


"So... we're going to tell them?"

"Y-yea." I stuttered. Then stood up straighter. "Yea."

"That's the spirit!" Louis cheered over enthusiastically.

We walked back together and held hands under the table, squeezing every once in a while for reassurance. At one point Lottie noticed that we had both gotten noticeably quieter.

"Harry, Lou? Are you guys okay? You've been pretty quiet since you came back." She asked.

"That's because we have an announcement that we have no idea how to phrase." Louis fired back sassily.

"HA! I KNEW IT!" Niall yelled.

"Knew what?" Liam asked.

"They're dating! It's obvious."

We just stared at Niall with our mouths open. How did he know? I'm not even mad that he said it, honestly I had no idea how to say it, but I thought we were being low key.

"Is this true?" Jay asked. She didn't seem bothered, just asked it like she was looking for confirmation.

"Yea. We're dating." Louis smiled. Squeezing my hand. As soon as he said it we were engulfed with hugs by everyone. After everyone was done Daisy said "kiss."

Louis looked at me then looked around and shook his head. "We can't do that right now Dais, sorry." he said in a small, soft voice.


"Because we are in public and the world doesn't know about us."


"So, I'm pretty sure Simon wouldn't like it."

"Who's sSimon?"

"The weird looking guy that you said looks like a potato."

"Ohhh. Oki." she said. Reaching for the butter.

After dinner we parted ways with our families after hugs and congratulations from everyone once again. We got back to the house and got ready for bed since it was close to 11 o'clock.

"Night Lou." I whispered once we got cuddled in bed. I was slowly starting to depend on him being here with me to fall asleep, but it didn't bother me.

"Night Hazza." He whispered back, kissing my nose. Which was followed by a chorus of awws from the boys.

"Oh sod off!" Louis laughed. We all fell asleep soon after, happy with how the day turned out.


I'm so tired and its not even 3 pm yet! shout out to @aGirlWithTwoEyes ! thank you so much for reading this and showing so much support. it really did help me :) 

they came out to their families! yay! idk if its accurate bc i'm still closeted and don't plan on coming out ANY time soon. maybe when i move out ;) 

what's going on in your lives? are you eating enough? drinking enough water?  

i'm alright guys, do ye know what i mean. do i not look alright?

no, i don't. i probably look like a zombie right now bc i got 6 hours of sleep last night along with and anxiety attack and selfharm because of it ✌️

byee, Gigi

2010 ~ (l.s) *book 1*Where stories live. Discover now