Part 11

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"Louu!" I groaned, rolling away from the boy that kept jumping on me.

"C'mon! We've gotta get up! We've got rehearsals for tonight's performance in 2 hours and the boys already ate before I got up so I've been starving for the past hour because I didn't want to wake you up to make me breakfast 'cause last night you were really tired and you're cute when you sleep." Louis rambled on, blushing at the end. From the way he was positioned on my lap and because he realized what he had said.

"Why won't Liam make you breakfast?" L wondered, sitting up which caused Louis to fall back with a laugh.

"He said he would. But your food is much better than an egg on toast."

I laughed. How can one be so cute but so stubborn at the same time? We looked at each other for a moment before he leaned in to kiss me. "Good morning." He smiled when we pulled away. I blushed. A very good morning. But the kiss reminded me that at some point today before our performance I had to ask Louis what we were, what he wanted us to be. Because I for one want to be more than friends who just kissed and cuddled. I hope he does too. I have to ask him when we are alone though, I don't want Niall hearing and accidentally blabbing it to the world.

"Hey Haz?" Louis came up to me with a twinkle in his eye.


"Wanna go to the movies after rehearsals?"

"I'd love to." I smiled. No matter how much I wanted to convince myself this wasn't a date, it sure felt like it.


Rehearsals went smoothly. Or as smoothly as one can go for a band of teenage boys who hate dancing and routines. Okay fine, it was a mess. But a fun mess. We pulled a prank on our choreographer which we all thought was hilarious, he didn't think so. Oh well! What can you do?

It was almost time for Louis and I's movie date. Or whatever you want to call it. I had decided that I would ask him about us there if the movie wasn't something I'd be too invested in. When we pulled up to the theater Louis paid for our tickets (not without a fight though). It wasn't until we were almost seated that I asked what we were going to watch since Louis never let me see the name on the tickets.

"Black swan. I tried to pick something we both wouldn't be too invested in." Louis said while leading us to the back of the theater.

"Cool. what's it about?" I asked.

"I honestly couldn't tell you. I just picked something at random. Hope that's okay. Wasn't planning on really watching it anyways." He smirked before sitting down on my lap.

"Okay." I smiled, catching up to what Louis was hinting at.

We did actually watch the movie for a while before Louis got bored and turned around in my lap. I was about to ask what he was doing when he smirked and crashed his lips into mine making me gasp into the kiss. We made out for a while before I pulled away, resting my forehead on his while trying to catch my breath enough to speak.

"Be my boyfriend." Louis whispered before I got the chance to.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." I smirked before kissing him again. To which I got a hum of agreement. "I don't know where the time went, but soon the lights came back on and we detached ourselves from each other.

"Wow." was all I could manage before laughing a bit.

"Yea." Louis hummed. "Just to be clear, we are official. Yes?"

"Of course silly!" I smiled before lifting him off of me so I could get up.

"Good." he yawned, placing his hand in mine. "That was a good movie! Would 10 out of 10 recommend." he smiled knowingly toward me. I giggled.

"C'mon. We've gotta get back to the studios so we don't miss our show."

"Okay, okay. I'm coming."


that was crappy but i'm too tired to care. had an anxiety attack and bit my acrylic nails off and now i will ave to deal with my mum and her "disappointment" in the morning.

bye. Gigi x

2010 ~ (l.s) *book 1*Where stories live. Discover now