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Jason is in a panic as he checked for Ames pulse.
It was still strong but he wondered what made her pass out.
He dialed 911 because he knew that was the fastest way to get her help.
Before they arrived he took his mask off and set it aside.
10 minutes later they knocked on the door he answered it and explained what happened.
They loaded her on a stretcher and Jason sat in the back of the ambulance with the paramedic.
Which they got to the hospital Jason was given a clipboard with paperwork to fill out.
He did the best he could and gave it to the nurse.
The nurse checked Ames vitals and temperature.
She put a bracket on her left wrist,then left the room.
It was a 45 minute wait until the doctor finally came in.
He gave Ames and ounce over then turned to Jason.
Is she by chance pregnant?
He nodded his head.
The doctor ordered a couple of tests then came back with the results.
Well MR Voorhees we need to keep her for observation.
And try to get her to come too.
Because she could go into labor any time now.
So the doctor gave Jason another set of papers to fill out.
Then he got them  a private room.
Jason was worried about his wife he didn't understand what happened to her.
Even the doctor didn't really know what happened.
It was getting late when a nurse came in to do some blood work on Ames.
That woke her right up.
Sorry honey just routine.
Jason was lost in his thoughts to notice that she had woken up.
Jason what's going on?
Jason's eyes widen,when he heard her voice.
Idk the doctor didnt even know,however I guess u could have the baby any time now.
This time her eyes widen.
Jason came and sat by her on the hospital bed and held her hand in his.
He felt nevous about becoming a father and he was scared for Ames.
Ames leaned over and kissed his cheek.
He took her face in his free hand and kissed her on the mouth.
He deepen the kiss, suddenly Ames broke the kiss and groaned while grabbing her stomach.
Jason jumped up and went for help.
The nurse rushed over to her side.
Ames face turned white and her breathing become labored.
I'm having really back cramps down... SHe couldn't finish her sentence.
As another cramp hit her.
The nurse ran out of the room then the retuned with the doctor on call.
He looked at Jason,Sir grab your wife's hand,she going into labor.
The doctor looked Ames in the eyes and said I'm going to give you something so you don't feel anything ok?
She nodded her head.
After he administered the medicine through the IV, the doctor gave her another shoot of something explaining it would speed things up.
It was 20 minutes later when her water broke.
Ok Ames when I say the word start pushing.
She nodded her head again acknowledging the doctor's words.
Ok now push.
Ames grunted as she pushed with all her might.
Ok now do it again.
A few more then they heard a cry.
It's a boy.the doctor announced.
Ames felt like passing out when she felt something else.
Um doc I don't think I'm done...
Sure enough there was another baby.
An hour later she delivered a girl.
The boy was named Jason junior,and the girl Pam after Jason's mother.

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