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Jason's replies is like this
Ames is like this.

First thing when Jason woke up he checked to see if Ames was online.
Her status read watching the purge.
Jason typed hello to her.
Hello, how'd you sleep?
Good and you?
I slept fine.
What's the purge?
Its a show about a certain day where the government allows people one night to go on a killing spree.
Yeah I like watching creepy stuff my family just doesn't understand, they think I'm going to hell or something.
Because I watch stuff like the purge and I like Halloween.
What's Halloween?
It's a day you dress up as someone or something else and go to a party or trick or treat if your a kid.
When's Halloween?
On the 31 of this month why do you ask?
I want to meet you but....
but what Jason?
Jason's become sweating.
Jason you still there?
Yes,I just don't want to scare you.
You won't I watch all sorts of scary stuff.
How about we plan on you coming here on Halloween or....
I could pick you up, what will you be dressed as?
Ok I still haven't decided what I'm going to dress as.
Ames do you have a boyfriend?
No I don't why do you ask?
Maybe we could,Jason's phone died he threw it against the wall in anger.
Now what was he going to do?
He tore his cabin up, in a state of rage.
Freddy popped into his head, hey hockey puck what's wrong?
Freddy could understand Jason In the dream realm.
My phone died right as I was asking a girl to....
Freddy laughed his ass off about Jason trying to get a girlfriend.
After he stopped laughing he asked, did u plug it into the charger?
Charger ,what charger?
Did the person that you killed have a charger?
I don't know I never thought to look.
Well go look then plug in the phone.
Jason rushed out of his cabin and found Richie's cabin, after trashing the place he located the charger.
He ran back to his cabin and found the phone laying where he threw it.
He plugged in the phone and waited.

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