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Freddy helped Jason set up a account and then left.
After he left Jason was looking at people on Facebook to friend then he saw a girl that caught his eye.
He sent a friend request then went to take care of the dead body.
After he disposed of the body he rushed back to his cabin.
There was a few new messages.
Are you still there?
I hope I didn't scare you off.
He replied sorry I had to take care of something.
Oh.... so do you really live in crystal lake?
Cool I've always wanted to come there, I heard it's haunted there.
It's not.
So you never answered my question what do you do for fun?
Jason still didn't know how to respond to the question.
He looked at the phone in his hand and then he got an idea.
Play on my phone, even though he just got it off that dead camper.
Me too.
He sighed with relief,he was itching to know more about cullencuttie.
He just didn't know how to go about it.
So Voorhees how old are you?
Cool I'm 33.
So is Voorhees really apart of your name?
It seemed nether of them knew how to continue the Conversation.
Well it's ten o'clock my time I better get some sleep.
I'll chat with you again tomorrow is that ok Jason?
Jason dropped the phone how did she know it was him?
How do you know my name?
I put the clues together you live in Crystal lake, your last name is Voorhees.
What's your real name ?
Amy, but I go by Ames.
Have a good night Ames Jason typed out.
You too Jason and sweet dreams.
Jason's heart sped up, could he really have a true friend?
That night as he lay in his bed he thought of Ames.
But he knew they could never meet face to face.

Jason Voorhees discovers Facebook Where stories live. Discover now