Chapter - 5

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We reached the diner and we were a little late. Xav opened the car door for me.

Such a gentleman he is.

I know subconscious.

He was quiet for I don't know what reason for the whole ride to the diner.

He had never hidden anything from me, we shared everything with each other, let it be the silliest talk in the world to the deepest secrets to hold, we were both there for each other in our good as well as bad days since high school.

Sometimes he acts like he doesn’t care about any shit but sometimes he gets sad for small things. Mood.

But something was not right that day, I could feel that.

We entered the diner and a loud bell rang just above my head. Brekkie's diner had crossed eighty years into the business and hands down theirs was the best food I could ever have. Xav and I always hopped there when we had to eat the spiciest of all. And that day, our squad joined us too.

They were seated at the long lost corner booth

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They were seated at the long lost corner booth. Well they were easy to locate as Kia's unique laugh always helps.

Kia Kendrell, my best friend after Xav and my cutest roommate of all. If you are with her, then a tip for you. You got to have a great listening power. Once she starts, no one can stop her. I met her in the fresher year as a roommate. We have shared a lot of after party gossips. Once she is boozed up, you can never know when this cute Kia turns into a bitchy Kia whom only I know and also her boyfriend, Mark.

Mark Bennet, the heartthrob of college yet a lover boy only for Kia. All the girls literally drooled over him including that bitch, Chloe who is by the way not in our squad. But he fell in love at first sight. Just like the romantic sequels. Love—

Get to the point.

Xav and I are the ones who shipped them as Mark was Xav's best friend well of course after me.

Don't flaunt everywhere.

Yeah so where was I, ahmm the loveliest couple of the university.

And last we had present there was Abby Fronz, we went to the same high school as well and we were the most studious ones. Yeah! The intelligent ones to be more on the brighter side.

Can you stop showing off. My personality just got ruined here.

Well yeah, I don’t care.

Back to the diner,

"Look who decided to come, finally," Abby whined.

"Not my fault, she is the culprit here as usual." Xav held his hands in the air then pointing at me with a smile on his face. Wow, this creature just went through a serious mood swing.

I had no other option to just laugh it off. We hugged each other tight. Well exceptions are always there, when it comes to Kia, she could kill you by just blocking the air while hugging. But yay, I am alive...for now.

We ordered our food which was on the specials for the day.

The waiter who was taking our order was new so we didn't discern him beforehand.

"And also don't put garlic in hers. Jo doesn't like it," Xav said to the waiter completing the order.

He is such a cutiee.

Kia made an eye contact with me and I was sure about what she just thought.

"My best friend knows everything about me," I said nudging Xav before Kia could make a cheesy comment.

We all laughed and made plans for our days we were looking forward to, in Sweden. After the long chit-chat session we all bid our farewell so to get prepared for the flight we had to board the next day.

Xav dropped me home. I was exhausted but a little relieved that everything was ready. As soon as I entered home, I walked towards the living room and jumped on the couch making myself comfortable. I decided to watch some TV show until I felt dizzy.

"Josephine, don't sleep on the couch, your back will hurt. Get up kiddo." I heard mom's voice from the kitchen. I woke up rubbing my eyes constantly, wait, it was half past eight. Why did I sleep that long?!!


I got up and immediately sat down. Crap! My back! Well that was not supposed to rhyme but my back was hurting like crazy.

Have you ever done something right?

I was just waiting for you to come up and speak shit about yourself. Thanks.

You're welcome, your highness!

I like how you addressed me, just call me that okay.

No bitch.

Shut up then.

I got up again carefully and went into the kitchen. My eyes were blessed. I saw everything on the kitchen island that I like. Literally everything. “Woah mom you made all this for me." I wanted to sound like aww but I got emotional.

What an emotional wreck.

I hugged her tightly and thanked her for that. We ate and talked a lot. Not to forget the cheesecake too. I love when she laughs, when she talks about her own high school and college memories. It's so loving to see her smile after dad left us in this big world all alone. My mom did everything on her own, got a job, raised me alone. I can never imagine the pain and hardships she faced, only for me.



Hey 🦋,

What do you guys think about the squad? Let me know in the comments!

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I'll meet you guys in the next chapter!
Much love❤

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