Chapter - 26

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Are you excited?

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Are you excited?


For bungee jumping or your date with Vian?

Why do you want to know? Plus, it's not a date.

Just curious.


I was almost ready in my cool and comfy attire, the excitement was the reason for my smile.

Looking at the wall clock, which was still stuck at 11ish, I glanced at my phone to check the time. I was too lazy to change the wall clock, so it stood there where it was. At least it showed the correct time twice a day.

I'm full of disgust.

Just as I was about to scold myself, the doorbell rang. Kia was not in the dorm room, so I was the only one left to open the door.

Just move your body, will you? Couch- potato.

Deciding at no point of arguing, I opened the door to find Xavier.

"Aay kiddo, where you headed at?" He asked as soon as he looked at my outfit.

"I left you a message yesterday, do check them out, okay?" I said and closed the door after he barged in without permission.

As if he needs your permission, haha.

He went into the kitchen and the first thing which I obviously knew- he attacked the packet of his favorite noodle soup, which was the easiest and fastest food item to make, and simultaneously checked his phone.

"You are going bungee jumping? Without me?" He asked and made a face full of dramatic shock.

Why is everyone in our life dramatic?

I want to know, too.

"I am going with Vian. And besides, you are scared of heights," I said, and took the fork from his hand to slurp down the noodles before they get soggy.

At least let him cook properly, bitch.

"Vian? Really? It was enough for you guys to go to the library every day! And besides, he seems suspicious to me. I can't let you go alone with him," he said and snatched the fork back out of my hands. "And that- I made for me," he hissed.

"Hey, what's wrong? I know he acts like a jerk sometimes, but I think he has his reasons, we can't judge anyone like this," I replied.

"Fine! But you will call me right away if you feel weird, okay?" He snapped and took out his phone again and called someone.

I hoped he wouldn't call Vian and give him a lecture as well.

"Hey!... Yeah, I'll come today," he spoke on the call to someone and cut the call.

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