Chapter - 11

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I woke up to the blaring sound of the alarm clock before it could rupture my eardrums for real. However, I snoozed it and pulled the duvet over me again. The frosty weather was not doing any justice either by swooshing cold breezes around.

Rise early, wealth is all yours.
You have the opportunity, don't let it fall!

Wait! It won't even rhyme!

Did you get the message?

Well, yeah!

Then why don't you work on it instead of being a negative critic here, Miss Campbelle?


I brushed my teeth half asleep and took a hot shower. It was the best thing one could experience in snowy weather. Keeping track of the time, I got out of it and wrapped a towel around my body.

Just don't get your feet hurt. You have a bad experience with your pinky toe after a shower. Hahaha

I opened the wardrobe and found a cute white top and I paired it with blue denim. Coupling it with the beige-colored overcoat and long boots.
I completed the look with my earmuffs and let my hair free.

I checked on Kia, she was still sleeping. So I decided to make breakfast for the both of us. Her favorite cheese sandwiches.

"C'mon Kia, wake up!" How ironic I said that.

"Cominggg!" She elongated the word than needed but I was used to it.

"I am leaving; don't forget to heat the sandwiches. Bye, I'll see you in university," I said after having my breakfast.

"Bye love, see you around!"

With that, I left the dorm room. But still, I had an ample amount of time.

It's your first day, that's why. Don't flatter yourself.

Shouldn't I?

No bitch, good job. At least for one day. I appreciate it.


Scoffs in disbelief

I sat in the cafeteria taking in the warmth of the cozy area before heading outside and decided to call Xav. No reason.

"Hey! Good morning! Are you up already?" I asked.

"Yeah I knew you would call," he said.

"And how you know?"

"Straight up facts Jo. Ethereal bond!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah, I was about to leave-"

"Should I come?"


"To drop you."

"No, I told you I'll walk. Besides you are acting like my babysitter."

"Hey, be confident. And have a nice impression on your professor. I have heard she is so understanding. But you don't have to think about others, okay. Just be yourself. Others opinion don't matter, they can just fuck off," he kind of explained or tried to motivate me.

"Hey, I know, I am not going for a job interview, so-"

"I know dumb, just for your stressful ass."

"Yeah whatever, catch you later, bye," I said and got up from my seat to finally move out.

"Yeah whatever, catch you later, bye," I said and got up from my seat to finally move out

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These streets, I missed them. The cold wind touched my skin like a petal of a flower brushed against my body making me quiver a little. The sky had a different color like it wanted to tell something to the universe. It was purple mixed with cotton candy and it looked so magical and was the beautiful view one could experience rarely. The people there were so loving and kind. Strangers be passing and giving a warm smile.

It was pure bliss. Just love in different forms.

Finally, I reached the university gate. Old memories flashed back within a second.
I could see familiar faces chattering and gossiping and laughing. And there were those usual skaters.

"Hey Jo, long time no see!"

"Hey! Yeah!" One of those moments where I can't socialize with strangers not so strangers.

"Look who's here!" Chloe interrupted.

That bitch.

I know right.

"Did you say something?" She asked.

"Uh nothing, I have to leave."
Talking to her? I would rather do something else.



Hey 🦋,
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Stay tuned!
Much love❤

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