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"What happened handsome young man? Why did you call me here?" - The girl asked in a seductive voice.

"You need to fulfill my needs kitty...."
- He replied while placing the glass of wine he was holding on the table.

"Just tell me daddy how you want me to pleasure you?"
- She asked taking closer steps to him.

"Wait for me on the bed I am coming..."
- He said and left.

-------- After few minutes----------

When the man returned he saw the girl was already on the bed just with her undergarments on her body. She looked at him with a seductive gaze and started trailing her hand down to her thighs. He smirked internally.

He went towards the bed and the girl quickly crawled up onto his lap. She was about to kiss him but he grabbed her hairs and pushed her down on the bed! His grip on her hair was so tight that she felt like her hair roots will get uprooted. She screamed when he pushed her head more down on the pillow. After few minutes he let go of her.

She quickly sat down and started crawling back. She was afraid and became more afraid after seeing the man laughing like a sick pathetic psycho. Seeing her afraid state excited him a lot!

"What happened whore? Are you scared of me now? Few minutes ago you accepted to give me yourself but what happened now?" - he said but more in a sarcastic way.

"Wh-who a-are y-you? Why are you behaving like this? A-are y-you trying to ki-kill me...?"

Listening her words he just chuckled making her confused and scared at the same time.

"I see you are intelligent enough to guess the right thing. And yes! I will kill you for sure... but I wished if you had used your this intelligence to not make her suffer you wouldn't have to die now..."

His words were seeming like he wants to take revenge on someone's behalf.

"Wh-what are you sa-saying?? About whose su-suffering...?"

He chuckled before saying, "Do you remember the girl named 'Yn'?"
The moment that escaped from his lips she didn't even think twice before saying some harsh words not knowing to whom is she saying. And that was the greatest mistake she ever made!

"What? Yn!? Ewww.... that crazy trash! Please don't take her name infront of me... even her name is impure like her! She is such a whore! And her pretending kindness is the biggest thing I hate! Please don't take that bitch's name now."

The man gritted his teeth. But he stayed calm and asked her again.

"Why what has she done that you hate her so much?"

"She. She has done nothing just she pretends to be more beautiful than me. And for her whore like face my boyfriend left me. I had scolded her but she replied to me that she doesn't even knows him and hasn't said him to do anything. Her that innocent behavior triggers me a lot!"
- she said and her words clearly depicted that she hates Yn a lot!

"By the way why are you asking about that whore handsome young man? Who is she to you? Tsk... maybe maid orelse what can that whore be----"
Her sentence got cut after she felt something coming out from her stomach. She screamed feeling the knife which was just stabbed inside her stomach is being rotated to tear up her inner organs.

"She isn't a whore.... You are the whore here! For you and your stupid annoying girl gang she suffered great loss. Even her new job interview got ruined and the pain she has suffered for that reason, I can't explain. She was suffering from traumas and mental problems thinking she is just a trash for this world! But she isn't...."
The man shouted while the knife was still tearing up the girl's body from within. She was shocked seeing someone caring for her enemy so much. Finally she managed to utter out those lines....

"What relationship do you have with Yn that you are here torturing me?"

The man chuckled before continuing:
"I am Jeon Jungkook! And Yn is my wife. You were wrong thinking your boyfriend had left you because Yn had manipulated him but the truth is its just because of her beauty! And you being such a hungry slvt now was jealous and you are still jealous of her angelic facial features and that's the reason you and your friends wanted to ruin her life right?"
"To say honestly... I fell for Yn because of her sweet, kind and childish nature. I know her for a long time but never knew that my Princess was suffering so much. I married her and every day I use to say consoling words to make her normal. She was very much fluctuated because of the failures she faced and that too were made intentionally to make her miserable."

His words were making the girl more shocked. She understood her mistake now but it's too late. She hated you so much that she still wasn't feeling any regrets but now she was feeling scare of losing her life just for torturing you mentally and physically. She felt her body becoming weak and slowly her body fell on the bed surrounded with pool of blood.

Jungkook just chuckled evily before cleaning the mess. It's not a tough work as he had killed all the rest of the girls of that group who tortured Yn and now only one is left among all of them. The leader of the group is still left to be killed!

The reason for which no one ever suspects him his for his best duality. And his plans are everytime successful as he never leaves any clue for anyone to suspect. Though no one comes in this mansion but still he maintains the royal look of that mansion.

To be continued~
Stay healthy all;

𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now