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Opening the door slowly while trying not to make any sounds Jungkook tiptoed inside the room. He made sure not to wake you up!
He went to the bathroom and changed into his comfy clothes.

[A/n: previously I mentioned the dialogs in italics but from now I will mention any 'important' dialogs in italics.]

He slowly laid on the bed and pulled the duvet on his side and snaked his arm around your waist. He pulled you closer and sniffed your scent.
He calmed down feeling your skin against him.

Soon he felt some movements. He saw you turning around to face him. That face of yours which always melts his heart was now shining in the darkness.
He put some strands of hair behind your ear which were covering your face. He smiled seeing your innocent face. He leaned down for a peck.

But the moment he pecked you, your eyes opened. You passed a smile to him before hugging him tightly while snaking your arms around his neck.
You pecked his forehead then his nose and then his cheeks. He made a pout face and asked, "Kiss me on my lips Princess...."
Soon you made a cute angry face and laid straight. "I will not kiss you!", you exclaimed. "Why Princess? Have I done something wrong?", he asked while whining like a baby.

"Why did you come late? I missed you so much!"- you said while your eyes already became teary.

"Baby... I had an important work with my client."- He said without any hesitations.

"Oh! If your client is so important then why didn't you marry your client? You married me just to get my kisses?"
- you said and he understood that you meant what.

"My client is a male baby..."- He said chuckling at your cute complains.

"So you would have married your client if it was a female right?"- your words were now making him frustrated because you still don't know how much he loves you and can do anything for you.

"Okay baby... I am sorry now see I am holding my ears please forgive me now."- He said while holding his both ears after getting up and sitting on the bed. But you just turned your head ignoring his apology. What he did next shocked you. He hovered over you and trapped you between his muscular veiny arms. You gasped due to the sudden action made by him.

"Wh-what ar-are you do-doing?"- You asked feeling nervous. This is the second time you are seeing him like that again. The first time you saw him like that was on the marriage night.

* Flashback in marriage night *
You just came out of the bathroom wearing just a bathrobe which was covering just your inner garments. It had been a tiring day for you. Jungkook wasn't there in the house at that moment. You went towards your suitcase trying to open the chain but your bathrobe was sliding down from your shoulders as they were longer and bigger in size. After struggling for a long time you opened your bathrobe fully leaving yourself just in your inner garments and then started searching for some comfy clothes. After finally you were done taking the clothes you turned around to go towards the bathroom but soon the door opened without any warnings and entered there Jungkook. The moment he saw you like that only your inner garments on he felt himself getting harder. He started sweating and his heart was beating faster. He clenched his fists controlling his desires but failed miserably. You turned around to pick up the bathrobe and soon felt two arms around your waist. He started leaving wet kisses and then pushed you down on the bed. But before he could go further he stopped after hearing your sobs. That night he promised you not to touch you until you want it by your own will. You started feeling comfortable around him just a few weeks ago. It has been 4 months of yours marriage but still he hasn't gone out of control!
* End of flashback *

You were becoming nervous again but he just kissed your lips and moved away.

"I think you will never accept my apology..." - He said while chuckling sadly. You felt guilty.
"I am sorry for making you uncomfortable again... but what to do you thought I don't love you so you---"

𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now