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It's been two months. Everything is settled.  Taehyung also planned to take Tzuyu out for dating. On the other hand Yn's womb is now growing. Last day she lost her consciousness. Doctor has told her to take rest.

In Yn's room

Tzuyu: Yn!!! I brought your food.

Yn: I don't have the appetite Tzu.. please go.

Tzuyu: No.. you have to eat! Orelse the baby will stay hungry. Please for the baby atleast you eat.

Yn: Ok...

Tzuyu feeded her. You are 4 months pregnant now. (Idk... how much 😅 please just assume it)

After 3months~

Tzuyu and Taehyung got married. Taehyung's business shifted from Canada to France. He had to go there. Tzuyu also accompanied him and both of them promised to help each other. But Tzuyu wanted to stay with you until you give birth. Taehyung agreed and he too also wanted to see the baby. So he asked his office workers to handle the business for a few months.

After 2 months~

Your womb has grown bigger. You had also bared many kicks from the baby. You are happy. Tzuyu and Taehyung has helped a lot all this months along with Jimin.

After 2 weeks

You gave birth to a little baby boy. He looked exactly like Jungkook.
You named him Jungwon.

After few days~

Taehyung: Hyung! Now we have to go please take care of Yn.

Jimin: Ya I will...

Tzuyu: Yn please take care of yourself and Jungwon.

Yn: I will... you too take care of yourself---

Jimin: And of this Taehyung!

Taehyung: Jimin-aahhh!!!!!

2 years later~

Jimin and you again returned to South Korea. Jimin is now one of the biggest businessesman.

Jungwon has grown up and is now a two years old boy.

You haven't kept any caretaker for Jungwon. You also got a job in a hospital and work as a Child Psychologist. After the maternity break you searched for a job and got this luckily. You feel good spending time with babies.

Jimin even proposed you for marriage. You accepted it. You both had your engagement a week ago. Jimin's parents agreed to have you as their daughter in law.

Both of you got news from Taehyung that Tzuyu is pregnant for 1month. You wanted to help her but you can't go as you are busy with your job.

You moved on from all miseries and the dark past. You wanted to start a new life with Jimin without anymore trouble and gift your son Jungwon a new life.

But as always...... some people are always there to cause trouble.......

Both of you moved to Busan and got to know that for the past one year a lot of robberies have taken place. You were afraid of Jungwon. He is still a baby and these gangsters doesn't even spares any kid. Even the police officers are scared to deal with these peoples.

Present day~

📞On the phone📞

Jimin: "Hello, manager all the things are prepared right?"

Manager: "Yes, sir everything is prepared the way you told to"

Jimin: "Ok, just be ready and come in the afternoon we have to start the preparations ok?"

Manager: "Yes sir! I have informed all the other workers also and they agreed to attend"

Jimin: "Good!"

Manager: "Anything else sir?"

Jimin: "No, thank you. Talk to you later."

Call ended-----

You have gone for work and Jimin is in home playing with Jungwon.

Jimin: So baby jungwon..... are you ready for today's evening party?

He asked the baby who was busy chewing his soft toys. He only giggled and touched Jimin's cheek. To say honestly jungwon seriously loved Jimin's cheeks... as they were too soft.

Jimin: Ya!! Jungwon... stop pulling my cheeks it hurts baby...

Jungwon: Da---da-da-da...

And like that they play....

In the evening

You came back home and saw all the lights were off and the whole living room area was dark. You were confused.

You kept your bags on the sofa and headed forward but couldn't see anyone. So you called,



Yn's mind: Where has everyone gone?

You were looking here and there but soon heard a familiar voice singing,

???: Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~ happy birthday my dear Princess... happy birthday to you~

To be continued~

𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now