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Your eyes became heavy and your vision was becoming blurry.

You held your head and were about to fall but Jungkook was fast enough to catch you in his muscular arms. He placed you on the bed and held your tiny body in his arms..

Jungkook: why are you behaving with me like this yn? Did you fall out of love just by seeing my dark side?! But couples aren't meant for parting away just like this.... I still love you with my whole heart Yn! I love our son Jungwon also... but why do you want to stay away from me Princess.... don't you know this hurts me? Even if I am a psycho, my love for you will never decrease even a little bit! I promise this!!!

*he said all this while looking at your unconscious figure. It's true that he still loves you but its hard for you to accept him! Your heart is filled with fearness.*

2 weeks later》

You were sitting in the room while playing with Jungwon. At this situation only Jungwon had a smile on his face. Its the universal truth that all babies are pure and their smiles melts everyone's heart! Still you smile for your son. Jungkook has gone abroad for  some missions. You don't care if he is home or not! He even messages you several times but you just reply to him shortly. Some part of your heart still prays for his safety.

At night》

You were patting Jungwon's back and humming some lullabies to make the baby fall asleep. Soon you heard horns of the cars. You looked through your balcony and saw all the black cars entered the mansion. You sighed again knowing there will be a fight between both of you~ so you made up your mind.

Yn: "No matter what ever he demands I will listen. But if he goes too far then I will not hesitate to hit him! Why Yn... he just demands for a hug, a kiss and some cuddling... you can do this Yn, you can!!! I will leave him once I gain his trusts, though I have started feeling sad from now only... I don't want to be a betrayer but what can I do? I can't stay my whole life with this psychopath!!"

You were lost in your imagination when the door of your room suddenly opened and incame Jungkook's two bodyguards while holding him. Your eyes widen seeing blood coming out from his left bicep and shoulder.

Guard1: Ma'am sir has got hurt, our family doctor has gone out for a vacation so can you-----

Yn: you all should have taken him to hospital and not here!

Guard2: Ma'am we said, but sir didn't listen to us!!

Yn: Ok... ok I will do the dressing please arrange all the medical ingredients required for this! And yes call a maid, Jungwon needs to be kept in his room.
*both the guards nodded and left*

Few minutes later two maids came and took sleeping Jungwon to his room. The first aid kit arrived and took it before closing the door.

Jungkook was sitting on the edge of the bed and groaning in pain. You slowly went upto him and touched his shoulder. He didn't say anything. You sat beside him and slowly started do the dressing of his wounded arm. He hissed in pain and looked at you. While you were doing the dressing you felt strong stares on you. At first you ignored but then when you looked up you saw Jungkook starring at you with his intense love for you. He didn't even blink his eyes. You shifted your gaze and put the ointment, and purposely pressed the cotton a bit harder on the wound making sure not to hurt him but just to check if he feels the pain or not. But to your surprise he didn't even open his mouth and kept a small smile on his face while looking at you!

After Few Minutes

You were done with the aiding. You packed the medical stuffs and put it inside the first aid box. You stood up to keep the box but Jungkook's hand held your hand from behind and pulled you down making you sit on his lap. You gasped as you were about to put your arm on his wounded shoulder. The box fell from your hand. Jungkook just flipped your body to the other side so now your arm was resting on his right shoulder. He held your thighs with his left hand and your waist with his right hand. Your tiny figure under his control looked so fragile.

Jungkook: I missed you Princess...
It's been so many days but I hadn't touched you! I want you now Princess.... *his husky voice made your body freeze on its own position*

Yn: Ju-jungko-ok... you need re-rest.. I am going to prepare the bathtub for you! *you tried to stand up but his grip didn't let it happen*

Jungkook: After many days I am seeing you so close to me... I won't let you go so easily. *he smirked making you panic*

*that smirk always reminds you of his evil deeds. You are still scared of him and now you are regretting for taking care of him. You cannot see any person in pain... and you being a medical student should help any injured person.*

You were looking down when he suddenly pushed you on the bed and hovered over you. His veiny arms, right now he was only wearing a white sleeveless innerwear on his upper body. His well built abs were visible through the translucent fabric. You gulped and tried either way to escape but it looked like tonight this guy isn't letting you go! Fear started building up inside you, though you know he won't hurt you but you aren't aware of his doings. You remembered when both of you had a happy life and if anytime he wanted you and lust was visible in his eyes, that time he would eat the soul out of your body. When the points comes to you, he can't control his hormones! You slowly felt hot wet kisses on your neck which made you come out of your thoughts. You slowly started pushing him but he is strong enough to held your hands above your head and get what he wants.

Jungkook: Fvck!! I missed this delicious skin of yours Princess.....

𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now