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Next morning you woke up feeling immense pain in your lower abdomen and between your thighs. You felt like someone has slapped that area for an uncountable number of times. You groaned in pain which caused Jungkook to wake up. He held your shoulders and saw that your eyes are shutting. He was worried.

"What happened baby? Are you ok?" He asked.

"Ko-ok... my head is paining a lot. And my legs are still hurting." You said and a drop of tear slipped down from your eyes.

"I am sorry baby... I shouldn't have been this wild last night. I should have controlled myself but trust me your beauty is just irresistible and I losed my mind after seeing your perfect body. " He said and you still blushed in that pain.

"Ok, let's take shower together, I know you won't be able to walk." He smirked and pecked your forehead.

He picked you up in bridal style and went towards the bathroom.

-------- In the bathroom ---------

He made you sit on the basin counter after you were done brushing your teeth

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He made you sit on the basin counter after you were done brushing your teeth. Meanwhile he prepared the bathtub for both of you.
He came back and held onto the fabric sheet you were holding to cover your body.

"Let me remove this baby... it's not like I haven't seen it before...." - you hit him on his arm lightly for always making you blush. You let him remove it and he carried you towards the bathtub and made you sit on his lap under the water. The moment you felt his hard member you flinched.

"Don't worry I won't do anything now Princess..." He said while pulling you back and making you sit properly on his lap. You enjoyed playing with the bubbles and he just enjoyed seeing you play.

"Baby.... does it hurt anymore?" He asked.

"No..... but still I am feeling a little bit pain." You answered without looking at him.

You were too much into playing with bubbles and got down from his lap. One thing he didn't notice that his love slowly turned into an obsession. He was already missing from not feeling you with him. He somehow felt a tint of anger within him cause you were not bothering him. He slowly pulled you near his chest and turned you around.

"It looks like you are enjoying too much with these bubbles,hmm!?" He raised his one eyebrow.

"Kook! Are you perhaps getting jealous because of this?" You said while giving him a cute smirk.

He smirked before smashing his lips on yours. Both of you shared a long passionate kiss.

[Time Skip]

You were ready wearing your dress. You were waiting for Jungkook. Soon a notification popped in your phone. You checked the message and saw your bestfriend Tzuyu messaged you telling you that she will come to visit you today. You smiled but soon a gasped escaped your lips and the phone fell on the bed. You sighed in relief knowing that your phone was saved and thanked to God that you were standing near the bed. You knew who hugged you from behind.

"Princess...let's go..." He said and snuggled his face in your crook. He let go of you and you picked up your phone and said, "my friend Tzuyu wants to come today so w....i...ll y...o...u...---" "Ofcourse she can come." He said with a smile.

"Thank you so much Kook" you hugged him and pecked his lips.

[Time Skip]

*Ding dong*

The maids opened the door and in came Tzuyu with a man. You looked at Tzuyu and she understood that you couldn't recognize who was the man. Tzuyu smiled and replied,"He is my boyfriend."

"Oh hi! I am Jeon Yn" you stretched out your hand for a handshake.

"Hi, I am Sehun, Tzuyu's boyfriend," He said and extended his hand for a handshake. You both shaked your hands but you felt uncomfortable cause he was more like feeling your warmth and softness of your hand rather than a friendly handshake. You looked at him and saw him slightly licked his corner of the lips. You slightly looked back at Tzuyu and saw her admiring the decoration of the wall. To break this awkwardness you fake coughed and released your hands from his grip.

You smiled at Tzuyu and asked,"Sit I am asking the maid to make some dishes for both of you."

"Ok, we will wait. Come baby...," she said to Sehun while he was just giving you uncomfortable glares.

Both of them sat on the sofa and you were going upstairs to call jungkook cause he still hasn't came down. You didn't even know that someone's nasty eyes were watching your figure slowly vanishing from his side.

"Beautiful body she has got..." the person said with a smirk.

------- In the bedroom--------

The moment you entered you felt yourself pinned on the wall and two strong arms caged you. You knew its none other than your dominating husband Jungkook...!

"Please don't start now," you said while trying to move him away but he didn't move an inch.

"Why? Can't I stay this close to my wife?" He said while moving his face closer to yours making your breath hitch.

"Ye--ess y-you can why not..? Uhh-- bu----bu---but--- NOT EVERYTIME!" You screamed when he attacked your neck with wet kisses.

"JUNGKOOK!!! STOP!! ARRGGHH...." you shouted but still he didn't stop and kissed your neck like a hungry wolf. This man is seriously hungry for his wife! You tried to push him off but he caught your arms and pushed you on the bed!

"No... Jungkook don't do all this now, my friends have come what will they think?" You tried to make him understand.

"They?" "You told only about Tzuyu!" He asked as he got confused.

"Oho... Jungkook! Tzuyu and her boyfriend have come and I came here to call you for dinner! Stupid!" You said and smacked his shoulders.

"But I am hungry for you Princess... let me eat you! Owmm.." His actions made you laugh when he opened his mouth and pretended to eat your cheeks.

You both were laughing but suddenly the door opened with a loud thud revealing Sehun!

𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now