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••••••• One week later ••••••••

It's been one week you all were staying in Taehyung's apartment in Canada.

But Tzuyu still didn't show any kind of affection towards Taehyung till now!

Yn: Oh come on Tzuyu... now you have to move on. Taehyung is a good boy he will keep you happy.

Tzuyu: Yn... can I ask you something?

Yn: Ya, ofcourse why not?

Tzuyu: See... you are trying to patch up my life! What about yours? Aren't you going to have a happy life? Atleast think about the baby. Listen, you should also get a happy life!

As soon as she said that your smile faded and you got up. Tzuyu held your shoulders and made you sit down.

Tzuyu: See Yniee, forget him.

Yn: You know Tzu, even if I forget him... this....*you touched your belly* this baby will make me recall of Jungkook! But the sins he had made I can never forgive him.

Tzuyu: Its ok... now don't take too much stress. Orelse the baby will kick your tummy.

Yn: I don't know what do Tzuyu. Whenever I get close to Jimin I always feel his possessiveness still on me. The way he use to pull me and then talk all about and.... *you teared up*

Tzuyu: Ok ok Sshh....

Tzuyu's mind: "now i have to make a plan with Taehyung to do a patch up between Yn and Jimin*

In Taehyung's room

Taehyung was doing some work on his laptop. Soon he felt a knock on the door. He didn't look up and didn't even say anything. The person knocked again. He still didn't say anything.

Taehyung's mind: "Why is Jimin knocking this freaking door? Eventually he comes in without any permission and pounces on me, and if it's Yn then she will call me first"

He again went out of his thoughts and focused on the laptop's screen. Again he heard a knock and this made him irritated so he shouted out!


???: AAAHH....

*he stopped from shouting further when he saw the person who was scared and had a terrific face*

Taehyung: Tzuyu....? I--i-- am sor---ry. I--i didn't know tha--that yo---you wi---will c--come....

*he stuttered because he felt bad for making her afraid. 'Shit!' He cursed himself when he saw her covered her ears and looking down. He felt guilty for making her feel uncomfortable.*

Taehyung: Listen Tzuyu, I didn't mean it! I thought it was Jimin so... please Tzuyu I am sorry. I am very sorry *he tried to get closer to her who was still standing near the door but soon you and Jimin came in*

Jimin: What happened Tae? Why are you shouting?

Yn: What happened oppa? And why is Tzuyu here? What happened to her?
Tzuyu....? Hey listen don't go!

*she ran away from there before you could catch her*

You and Jimin looked at Taehyung with a confuse look.

Jimin: What happened to her Tae?

Taehyung: Uggh...! Hyung it's... *he told both of you everything and Jimin smacked his head after learning what has happened*

Jimin: You are really a stupid! Why did you shout at her?

Taehyung: Hyung!! I thought that was you!

Jimin: Why did you think so? Did I tell you to think? Did I? From when did you started thinking huh?

Yn: Ugh! Jiminah... stop scolding him!

Jimin: No! I won't! My friend has suffered so much and here Mr.Taehyung doesn't knows anything... he thought me standing patiently and knocking on the door humbly!

Taehyung: Hey have you ever behaved so humbly?

Jimin: EXACTLY! THE SAME QUESTION COMES HERE! and idiot if it was me instead of Tzuyu I would have pounced on you without any regrets!

Taehyung: How will I know? I thought----

Jimin: Again you are thinking? Stop thinkings and go and apologize first orelse you don't even know what I will do!

Taehyung: Ok! Ok! I am going. *he made a disgusted face* it looks like I have scolded your girlfriend or wife!

Jimin: AGAIN YOU-----

Yn: Oh god please stop! And Taehyung wait I am coming with you.

Taehyung: Ya, Yn please come I am a bit nervous.

Jimin: Haha... see see... who is being a nervous ass here!? The thought only makes me laugh!

Yn: Oh! Jimin please shut up now. Come Tae I will help you.


In Tzuyu's room

Tzuyu was holding a photo of Sehun and crying silently.

Tzuyu: Sehun... baby... see, no one cares about me, no one loves me like you did! Why did you leave me Sehun? Your Tzu is not feeling good without you. I miss you baby please come back... please....
You know Yn and Jimin is telling me to start a new life but with whom? It's with such a person who is always busy with his works. But he never talks to me willingly. It always Yn who pokes me and insist me to talk to him! When he doesn't even have any feelings for me then how will he keep me happy? I also don't love him like that way but thinking about my future I have agreed.  But I think it was only you Sehun who cared for me..... when you are not here then for who will I live? For whom will I survive?

???: For yourself!

Tzuyu turned around to see Taehyung standing at the door frame. She again turned around and wiped her tears. With a cold voice she told

Tzuyu: Why are you here?

Taehyung: Wow! Nice question. This is my apartment so shouldn't I be here?

*Tzuyu was taken back.*

Tzuyu: I didn't mean it----- I-i-i need to go to Yn. I have some work.

*she made an excuse and was passing by him, but he held her hand and pulled her back and held her by her waist*

Taehyung: Let me tell you one thing my soon to be Mrs.Kim.... I am sorry, I didn't notice you that time and usually you have never came to meet me.... *tzuyu was struggling in his arms to get away but ofcourse he was strong*

Tzuyu: Ok! I forgive you now leave me....

Taehyung: Nope! And thanks for forgiveness but I want something else...

Tzuyu: What?

Taehyung: This.... *he quickly pecked her lips*

Tzuyu gasped. His eyes were looking at her with apology and love.

Taehyung: Please Tzuyu.... give me a last chance... I promise to make you happy.... please....? So will you be my girlfriend Chou Tzuyu?

???: SAY YES TZU!!!

(Both Taehyung and Tzuyu looked back and saw Jimin and Yn)

Tzuyu thought a lot and said almost in a whisper....

Tzuyu: Yes, and I will give you a chance.

|Taehyung was happy and smiled at her|

                        [Author's Note]

I know this chapter is about Taehyung and Tzuyu though the story is about Jungkook and Yn. Don't worry these are side couples.
Stay healthy and bye 💙

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