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The moment you heard that familiar voice you turned towards the direction from where the voice came.

Soon the lights were turned on and there came the person whom you least wanted to see in your rest of the live!

Yn: ........Jungkook?! How is it possible?

Jungkook: Are you surprised Princess?

Again that same voice. The voice that you heard last was 2 years ago, you are again hearing now.
The voice that once made you happy that same voice brought fear to you now.

The smile on that face that once made your heart beat fast and you had an urge to kiss those lips, that same face having a creepy smile is making you numb!

Jungkook: How are you Princess? And I see our boy Jungwon has grown up! He completely resembles my face and your characters. So sweet! And is has to be this sweet of our boy right Princess? That night we put so much love on each other~

You shaked your head and looked down. You hated all his creepy words. His words made you disgusted that you wanted to slap him right on his face.

Jungkook: Oh! You must be confused right how am I here? I am really sorry Princess... I just forgot mention you in the beginning. So listen~

For seven fvckin months I stayed in the jail cell. I missed your every touch. I missed you a lot! And upon my this pain those officers use to beat the hell out of me because..... your lovey dovey fiancé Mr. Park Jimin has commanded them that whenever I don't listen to them they can beat me. And that torture went on for one fvckin month! I gave up in the cell only cause I was fully chained! Can you feel the pain Princess? I almost gave up my life in the cell thinking I will die but then....

*he was telling with lots of emotions. Tears streamed down your cheeks. But soon the atmosphere changed when he started laughing like a psychopath. This made you scream in fear.*

Jungkook: Oh god Princess... why are you afraid? I won't do anything to you.
I love you Princess... ok now listen the rest... one night I was fidgeting with my fingers and soon the thought of you came in my mind.... your smile.... your eyes... your lips.... your voice and everything..... those always made me smile and kept me alive in that cell! But one day I had a sudden urge to meet you.
But then the thought of you slapping me came in my mind... but never mind! I pretended to be unconscious and those officers came in my cell to check on me. They even untied me... when they were busy... I took the opportunity and kill those two officers~ then I ran away. I found a small gang of peoples. They were gangsters! They took care of me and now see... I am their leader! It took me a whole fvckin year to make all plans to meet you.

You were completely speechless right now. You started stepping back when you saw him coming towards you.

Yn: No Jungkook! Stay away from me... don't come near me!! I am warning you! I said don't!

Jungkook: You think that I will be afraid of you? I am the biggest mafia of Korea!
I am not afraid of your small threats!

With that he again started stepping forward to you. You were moving backwards while releasing your heavy breaths. Your eyes begged him from not coming towards you but his eyes only showed the desire and lust he had for you.

Jungkook: Stop moving away from me Princess! Today in any means and costs I am going to get you! So there's no point in moving backwards! You have to end up in my arms today. You don't know how much I want you right now! But I will wait till tonight! We are going to reunite tonight Princess......

His words send shiver down to your spine. Soon the cold wall hit your back. You gasped and looked up to see him only few feets away from you!

You saw him staring deeply at you. You slowly made a move towards your right side and ran as fast as you could. You could hear his heavy steps chasing you from behind. You ran upstairs and quickly entered the bedroom and locked the door. He kept on banging the door but you didn't open it. Soon you heard him speak,
Jungkook : Princess!!! The fvck open this fvckin door! Orelse I will break this door!!! Princess come out!!! Today not even any piece of shit can come between us!!! And about this door... it will say a last goodbye to this world today if you don't open it!

*his words definitely frightened you*

Yn: Jungkook!!! Stop scaring me... you know I will not fall in your useless traps so please for God's sake leave me... and surrender yourself to the police!

Jungkook: Ok fine! Then you stay in this house and our son will stay with me...

Yn: N-no... don't do anything to Jungwon... he is my everything... please don't take him away...

Jungkook: Then open this shitty door! I want to see your pretty face Princess...

Yn: N-no... I won't fall in your trap! This is definitely a trap Mr.Jeon Jungkook!!! I know you very well...

Jungkook: So here listen then...

*he asked somebody to come and then you heard Jungwon crying*

Jungwon: M-m-momaa.... mommaa.....
*you heard your baby's voice which made you panicked*

Yn: Ju-jungko-ok... please leave my son, don't hurt him. I only have him please leave him.

Jungkook: Oh God! Princess... how can you even imagine me hurting 'our' child? He is my son! Why the heck will I hate him or hurt him?

Yn: Please leave him! Please leave this house! WE ARE OVER! I HAD ENDED OUR RELATIONSHIP TWO YEARS AGO!!
*you screamed when the door burst open and in came that monster. You noticed one of his guard went away while carrying your son. He started taking his predator steps towards you*

Jungkook: It will never end! You were mine! And you are mine!! Fvckin mine Princess.....

                         [Author's note]
I really don't know if I can satisfy you all with my updates cause sometimes i am regular and sometimes I am extremely late 😫! Sorry for keeping you guys waiting....

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