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He turned around and released his heavy breaths. On the other hand jungkook became angry. He slowly got up from you. He was giving death glare to Sehun which didn't went unnoticed by you. But you were more confused thinking what was Sehun doing standing there!?

Yn: "Why are you here Sehun?"
He gulped hard as Jungkook was still giving him death glare which literally scared him to death!

Jungkook: "My Wife" is asking something! ANSWER HER! *he shouted*

Sehun: "I-i---i--- I just came to let her know that Tzuyu is feeling hungry that's why she-----"


You all heard a female's voice and soon appeared Tzuyu infront of the door frame. She looked at you and both of you were confused!

Tzuyu: What are you doing here Sehun?

Jungkook: He came here to tell Yn, that you are hungry, so-----

Tzuyu: WHAT?! I am hungry!? Who said? Yn... *she turned towards you* you know right, I never get hungry quickly.... I don't have such appetite for food. Sehun has! He is always a hungry bear! *she playfully slapped Sehun's arms* tell honestly to them that you were hungry not me! *she said to sehun*

You laughed and he pretended to blush and be shy but little did everyone of you know that Jungkook already suspected something else!

Tzuyu: Yn.. Jungkook... I am asking for apology on behalf of him! It seems like he disturbed you both... *she winked at you and you blushed*

Yn: Tzu... you---- I--- I will show you now... *you said and ran away before making a funny face to you to tease you more*

Jungkook chuckled seeing you be so childish with your friend still now. Sehun gave a fake smile to Jungkook and turned around. He was about to move out of the room but he felt a slight grip on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Jungkook had a warm but an evil smile.

Jungkook: See, I know you lied to us and your girlfriend. So honestly tell me what were you doing outside our room? Were you listening our conversations or were you waiting to hear something more.....
*right now Sehun was sweating a lot cause he understood that with whom he has dealt right now! He wanted to move out from the room and releasing himself from Jungkook. *
*Jungkook just let him go*

----- During the meal -----
You and Tzuyu were continuously cracking jokes and laughing while eating.

Tzuyu: ..... and you know what happened to Kaira?

Yn: What?

Tzuyu: She failed! Hahaha....

Yn: hahaha....

And those stupid jokes were going on and on.... Here Jungkook was just admiring you being so happy. You looked like a baby.

Jungkook: Yn!

Yn: Yes?

Jungkook: Finish your food and then laugh ok? Orelse you will choke on your food.

Yn: Oho... Kook why you-----

Tzuyu: Yes Yn, oppa is correct, the upcoming jokes will make you choke on your food so for now I am stopping.

Yn: Ok....

*you all again continued eating*
*while eating you felt a foot pressing on yours and massaging it. You blushed and looked at Jungkook but it seemed to you like he is a good actor. He does anything and the type of expression he gives looks like nothing has happened.*

𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now