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Yn: Ju-jungko-ok.... I swear if you will take any further steps then... then.. then I will... I WILL KILL MYSELF!
*you found a knife on the night stand and quickly pointed at your wrist*

Jungkook: Princess... you know playing with knife is not good....! It can hurt you.

You didn't have any further space to move back! Your back hit the wall. You saw him closer by each passing second which really scared you.
You didn't want him to touch you so you held up the knife infront of you in a form of self defense. He just chuckled making you more nervous.

Yn: d-don't come ne-near m-me or-or else I-i will ki-kill you....
*you stuttered a lot and he simply just chuckled seeing your confidence on killing the well known mafia of South Korea*

Jungkook: So do you think you can kill me? Then please do it Princess.... I would love to die in your hands...

Your hands were trembling a lot and by now he was dangerously close to you! You couldn't do anything right at that moment. You felt helpless!

The monster infront of you smirked knowing that now you can't runaway. He was about to hold your trembling hands but out of fear you pushed him away and was about to move away from him but he acted fast to catch you and pushed you on the bed. He hovered over you and pinned your both hands beside your head. Again.... again after two long years he touched you. But this time you were hella scared of him. You were feeling disgusted by his touch!

Jungkook: Aah... you are still the same Princess... your skin.... it has the same softness and smoothness for which my hungry tongue is hungry for years~ but now I have you...

*you turned your head on the other side to avoid his dangerous seductive gaze. His hot heavy breaths were hitting your face.*

Jungkook: but Princess you should also understand me.... i... i can't stay without having you in my arms. I had really missed your hugs, your cuddles and.... *he moved his face closer to yours* your kisses....

He was about to land his lips on yours but you pushed your upper body to crawl upside and not wanting to let him touch you. When he saw you moving here and there he growled and pulled you up harshly.

Jungkook: Listen to me Yn! You are my legal wife, I have full rights on you so don't try to move away from me cause all your efforts will go in vain, as I am going to have you by my hook ot by my crook! But the main part is still left!
Come with me.... *with that he dragged you outside*

He brought you downstairs and you saw Jungwon fast asleep on his crib and there your Jimin was kneeling down. He had lot of bruises on his face. Tears welled up in your eyes cause everything is happening because of you.

Yn: Jimin.......
*the moment his name came out from your mouth almost like a whisper he looked up to see you*

He smiled weakly making you cry out.

Yn: Please leave him Jungkook.... he has not done anything please leave him.

Jungkook: he has.... HE HAS! HE HAS DONE A BIG MISTAKE PRINCESS!!!! he had put that shitty engagement ring on your finger! For this I will be cutting off his hands.... *you looked at him shocked* those filthy hands that has touched my Princess's.... my Yn's hands... how dare he even think of taking you away from me!?

Yn: Please leave hi-----

Jungkook: SHUT UP YN! YOU... have too done a mistake... who has told you to get engaged with someone else when your fvckin husband is alive?! What has even made you think of spending your life with someone else huh?!
I... your husband Jeon Jungkook is still alive!! And you were mine, you are mine and you will be mine! For that if I have to kill anyone also then I will do it! Any obstacles that comes between us will suffer the pain fullest  death! Just keep my words in your pretty little brain Princess..... that You are born to be mine..... and I will love you forever..... don't ever think of leaving me like you did in the past! Orelse you might not like the consequences......

𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now