The Birth of 12

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"Good morning Ms. Baci!"

"Morning Mark. How are you?"

"Oh, I'm fine, thank you. How are you?"

"Hey, since when have you become so nice FouR EyEs." Junior said to Mark taunting him.

"Oh, come on, don't start now." Jackson says entering the class. 

"I won't, Mr. Late." Junior replied to him.

"Alright, Pi-face." Jackson replied to his mockery.

"Just go sit Jackson." Ms. Baci said.

"Sorry for being late again, Ms. Baci." Jackson said to the teacher without sounding one bit genuine.

"If you're gonna say sorry, at least try to be serious about it."

"Ms. Baci, can we just start? We're certainly wasting time." Junior said.

"I bet you, we haven't wasted more time then Pi x 3.83 seconds."

"Since when are you even good at math?" Junior replied.

"Okay guys, that's enough. Any more mockery and taunting, you will be kicked outside. I have a course to teach."

Jackson looked around and saw an empty place next to Mark again.

"Okay bully, will you be willing to let me have a place next to you?" Jackson mocked Mark.

To this Mark reacted by putting his bag on the chair, and started fake snoring. And then opening his eyes and say: "Tell me when you're ready to sit, or when you're ready to stop mocking people. You're wasting people's time, oh sorry, meant to say teacher. Will you say hi to the headmaster for me?"

"15 years old, and they're still fighting. Some kids never grow up." Junior said while shaking his head.

And then the teacher replied to Junior: "You started this, don't make it look as if you don't have a responsibility in that. So you, Mark and Jackson, bye bye."

The three of them proceeded to go to the headmaster's office. Once they reached it, Jackson's face became sad. A moment passed and then the new headmaster arrived and sat at his desk.

"What is it with you guys?" The headmaster asked.

"Who are you?" Jackson asked him.

"Ah, right, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Peter Simons, the new headmaster of the school, I have been in post for 4 years now."

"No wonder I don't know who you are. I haven't been to headmaster's office since I was 8." Jackson said to Simons.

"I'm impressed, that is considerable effort. What about you other boys?"

"We have names headmaster Simons. Unlike tardy here." Mark replied already teaming up with Junior.

"So, you call each other names? That's really uncool! Man, why don't you, you know... try to be friends!"

"Being friends starts with sharing names and greeting each other. I'm Junior."

"What about the other one, the one with the glasses?"

"Oh, I'm Mark. I'm happy to meet you and Junior."

"What about the other boy? he's standing there with arms crossed and closed eyes."

"His name is Tardy." Mark replied, nodding at Junior and Junior looking back and nodding at the headmaster too.

"Pleased to meet you Tardy." The headmaster said putting out a hand for Jackson.

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