Chapter 1 - The Escape - Baby ✔️

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[Edited October 18, 2022]

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⚠️ Warning. This chapter contains sensitive content that may trigger others. There will be no warning before it happens. ⚠️


Just a little more...

I chanted over and over in my head.

I wiggled and pulled as I tried with all my might to loosen it from the piece of wood. My fingers bled and my nails were broken and chipped, but I knew if I pried it free, I could unlock my chains and escape.

Daddy's car had left twenty minutes ago and I knew this was finally my chance for freedom. He is going to be gone for a week and if I managed to break out of the shackle holding me prisoner, I'd be long gone before he came back.

It was now or never. This will be the longest he'd be away and it was as if fate was finally on my side.

Before he left, Daddy had been sure to instill the consequences of what would happen to me if I misbehaved while he was away by using his fists and an old switch. The cuts and abrasions on my body still oozed blood that dripped down, staining my grey sweatpants and shirt, crusting uncomfortably as it dried against my skin.

I didn't care.

Freedom was imperative.

I found the nail sticking out of the floorboard a few days ago, it was bent at a weird angle and had long ago rusted to an ugly yellow-brown color. The flat top of it had broken off but that didn't matter. It was thin, and the right size to fit in the lock to my cuff Daddy put around my ankle every time he left.

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