Chapter 36 - Cabin - Devil

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[Not Edited – December 23, 2022]

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⚠️ Warning. This chapter contains sensitive content that could be triggering. There will be no warning before it happens. ⚠️


I was livid.

There were so many pictures and... videos.

He... he filmed all of it.

The assaults.

It made me sick.

It took all of my willpower not to march down there and rip his dick off and make him eat it, puke up the entire contents of my stomach, beat the shit out of something, and scream until I had no more breath left in my lungs.

Not necessarily in that order.

I couldn't stomach listening to more. I ripped the earbuds out of my ears and tossed them across the small table and pushed the tablet out of my sight.

Taking in a deep breath, I held my angel closer to my chest. I hadn't let her go since it all went down. I couldn't even bare the couple of minutes I had Mallory look over her to make sure it was she wasn't seriously injured before I brought her to the cabin.

Even then, I had to keep her in my lap as I watched Docs glove covered hands roam all over her body. Even though he wasn't doing anything wrong, Dom had to hold my shoulders down to stop me from lashing out at the man.

When it was all done and over with, I had a team go out to the cabin to prepare it for me. Even though the mansion was our home, I knew my angel would need some time away from the place that caused her pain and maybe appreciate some new scenery as she physically recovered.

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